THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Why does this sound familiar? Right. 2016. Cant hammer him too hard on rape, your husband’s right there.

At least we’ll always have the look on Chasten’s face when Pete said he wishes he wasn’t gay

The deal was done. Amy and Pete have to fight to the death. Amy gets a stapler.

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Yeah the progressive wing ultimately lost this primary when Warren heel turned on M4A, voluntarily and moronically tanking her chances and opening up the progressive lane for Bernie. Problem is they were never going to let Bernie win, they might have let Warren win.

That’s out of line.


you know he meant in the past.

here, watch a couple great speeches from an inspirational person and maybe get your head out of your ass

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What % of Biden voters could name a single policy position of his?

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Weekend at Bernies indeed.

Obama gave speeches about being gay? Musta missed them.


What % of Biden can name a single policy position of his?


twas ever thus

people deciding who to vote for, literally hours prior to the actual act of voting lmao.

this country accepts the wealth disparity, and couldn’t care less.


lol CNN saying the only endorsements that mattered were Clyburn and Klob. Gimme a fucking break. Klob was polling below 5% in a ton of these states. Pete, on the other hand…

I’m still gonna defend Pete from erasure and bad narratives, no matter what happens. I just wish he wouldn’t have endorsed, and let the race play out as it would. I think a lot more of his supporters would have gone to Bernie or Warren.

I’m a LOL Canadian but why is this done like this! , could someone explain ? Just seems to me that a lot of voters will just vote for who is most likely to win or are popular at the moment as in the media , I’d say a lot of people vote based on not voting for a loser but maybe that’s just me.

Why wouldn’t they just vote across on the same day is what I’m getting at for a level playing field

Bernie is winning TX. All the latino areas are still pending and he is down by a fraction. Fuck Nate, I think it’s happening.

Well, I hope so. Beto and Pete made it a lot closer than it should have been.

Yeah, this is essentially what I was getting at earlier. But it’s way too late. May have been too late before the campaign even started. The socialist label was always going to be scary.

If we all voted on the same day, it would only be the mega rich people or the people with name recognition that would be viable anywh…oh wait.


Nah, I still don’t think it should all be the same day, unless we go all out and do publicly funded elections with a 6 week campaign. Rotate the first states, though.

Pete handing the election to Biden and ultimately to trump is not something to be proud of. Pete himself or really anyone outside of Bloomberg would be massively better. Even politically it is a huge risk if Biden loses the nom or general.

Not a lot of the results make any sense based on the polling.