THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Olds mail in early, so exit polls skew young?

I’m not proud of it. I don’t think Biden is drawing dead vs Trump but Bernie has better odds for sure.

In other news, the general is gonna be one hell of an uphill battle for my boy Ammar. Good thing I have a big volunteer list to hand to him.

I hope you spend your energy going towards Ammar. But if you don’t I get it as well.

that’s the plan


OK, to back up my anecdotal evidence from earlier, here’s Pete’s marathon states organizing director with a thread with real numbers. Note, she’s just talking about volunteers. No way to tell how many voters this translated to.

Note that my pride is in the Pete organization, not necessarily in his endorsement of Biden. I still think neither he nor Amy nor Beto should have endorsed anyone, and let the chips fall where they may. Of course, that might have handed us Bloomberg…

Bernie’s Super Tuesday showing suggests that his plan to pass M4A by rallying the people to put pressure members of Congress in more conservative areas is probably a less realistic path than Warren’s two-step process that would probably need an unusual (but not unprecedented) gain for the president’s party in the midterm elections.

No she doesn’t and that’s what all this is proving!

See my post above. They were all lying this entire time, even if just to themselves, not knowing it.

The ideal system probably involves finding a way to generate a shortlist of 4-5 names (or however many you can reasonably fit on a debate stage), then using ranked choice voting among the finalists.

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Joe Biden is a socialist.

Signed, Trump

Really scary.

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Wow, man…

Wouldn’t that be ironic, all of that was actually to stop bloomberg and it just happened to domino effect down.


As I’ve said before, it’s not all young people’s fault that they don’t vote. These people move around, live in dorms, go back and forth between home and school, crash at friends houses, don’t get all their mail in the same place etc…under the same circumstances you wouldn’t have old people voting in high numbers either.


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Biden is just the compromise between a socialist like Sanders and a Republican like Bloomberg.

I don’t get it?

It’s a great comic :)

what’s not to get? Just more Pete bashing. Zzzzzzzz

also, WAAF