THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

You give me this line and I might not vote as well. This shit is grade A voter suppression


Massively disenfranchising minority voters of predominantly one party to subvert democracy and steal elections. Like, ashamed isn’t the fucking word I came up with for that but maybe you can’t say it on State Media Twitter now?


I want to see the overall turnout numbers. I’m not at all thrilled about Biden, but I hate Trump, and if turnout is up a lot over 2016 than that would bode well. If Biden is the nominee I don’t care if he’s dead or incoherent come November, he’d still have my enthusiastic vote. Here’s hoping for a decent VP. Also, I suspect Biden will play a lot better in many places than Hilary, even if he has a mediocre campaign.


so uh, why hasn’t warren dropped out yet? Gotta do it before everyone outside of Mass noticed you were still running.

She wants one last shot at Biden on the debate stage?

everyone is saying Kamala or Stacy Abrams, but Biden doesn’t need centrist black women…he already has those votes.

I think if he could get Ayanna Pressly, that would lock up the college educated and suburban women that love Pete and Warren. Possibly Katie Porter here, too.

purely politically-speaking, Pete is actually a good choice, because it covers a demographic/base that Joe doesn’t have. It won’t happen, though, because it pretty much has to be a woman.

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I was assuming Klobuchar.

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Why are these Pete Twitter accounts so excited about mobilizing voters for an Alzheimer’s patient? Super cool @grassfed movement that turned out to be a multi-level marketing scam to generate lead lists of loyal customers to flip to the eDem horse.


Maybe, but I doubt it.

Pretty disappointing that my choices in November are going to be Donny Dementia Trump or Joe Braindead Biden. Can’t believe it’s 2020 and the democrats are going to go with Biden. Is Joe Lieberman available for VP? Joe x2 in 20x2!

My wife and I make good money, in the low 6 digits and we live in a reasonable cost of living area (Our 2400 SqFt house is worth about $385,000 today). If these fucking asshole voters aren’t going to vote for their best interest than I don’t really see why it’s worth fighting for them anymore. My wife works for the state so we have great healthcare and great benefits package, but I was willing to make my life a little bit worse so that people not as well off as us could have a better life. But fuck. I mean, why bother? I’m going to hold my nose and vote for whomever is not trump this november, but I’m probably checking out after that for the foreseeable future.

If the voters who say that M4A is important to them and still vote for Joe fucking Biden, it’s going to be hard for me not to start voting in my own self interest and start adopting the fuck you, I got mine philosophy. How many times can I can keep beating my head against the wall trying to help people who won’t help themselves by simply voting for shit that’s going to make their lives better?

I thought the last 3 years of Trump was depressing, but this primary season may be the most depressing of all. Fuck it. I need a badge that is 10x beyond WAAF.


Nice job America

Four more years of Trump coming


I think you should just go Trump now and get your tax cut. You’ll also be on the good list when he starts executing people who voted against him.

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We want Pete to be president someday. They think that Biden is going to win (not so sure I agree) and that Pete will get a spot in his cabinet. It’s legitimately the only way he has to get out of IN politics because that state is never electing a dem again in our lifetimes.

Also, they just really like Pete and trust his word.

Privately, they aren’t enthusiastic about Biden like the were about Pete, but they’re putting on a brave face and being “practical.” I am just an observer now, but I am not sure its gonna work in the general.

You love to see it. Now that I’ve given up all hope entirely I’m now actively hoping for the worst outcome, so fingers crossed that Warren endorses Biden tomorrow. Let’s rip the bandaid off so we can hurry on to the general to see the end of the Democratic party. At least give me the satisfaction of seeing that happen so I can say ‘told you so, AGAIN’ to all the boomers before they die from coronavirus, laughing their asses off at the last giant middle finger they gave to my generation. If only we could be so lucky, we and our children have to die a slow death on a planet that’s quickly trending towards uninhabitable, our fate being sealed with how the voting transpired tonight. WAAF, fuck this shit, fuck everything, forever. Also fuck young people my age for not turning out to vote, in case that wasn’t clear with me saying fuck everything.


Fair enough. Not that it matters, because neither is going to happen in the next decade, if ever. Probably < 10% chance we get single payer in the next 20 years.

Really, every option for VP is better than Biden, and his VP would be more than drawing live to be president. Just hope it isn’t someone from FL, cause FL gonna vote Trump. I’d be shocked if Biden couldn’t beat Trump, but, then again, I’m down $500 on predictit.

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At this point I think it’s actually unclear whether Warren and Bernie can get more leverage/power/delegates by her dropping or her staying in the whole way. Staying in today fucked Bernie/progressives, staying in going forward is unclear and could help progressives, to the extent that she applies her leverage for good and not for her own self-interest.

If he basically wants to go after Wisconsin and Iowa, Klobuchar could be a good pick. If he wants to go after Arizona, he’d have to go with Castro I guess.

I can come up with several scenarios:

-She hates Bloomberg and thinks that staying in hurts him the most.
-She thinks the deck is stacked too much against Sanders, so she believes she is the last best hope for progressives, however thin she may be drawing.
-She thinks the deck is stacked too much against progressives, but by staying in, she can prevent Biden from getting a majority of delegates and trade concessions on her pet issues of corruption and financial regulation in exchange for avoiding an embarrassing floor fight that goes to a second ballot.
-She’s ready to go scorched earth on behalf of Bernie.
-She’s still mad at Bernie and wants an apology for implying that she is a liar on national TV when she sincerely believes that Bernie is 100% wrong.