THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Bloomberg’s done

Hopefully after losing the nomination Bernie focuses on helping people primary Democrats. He should go all-in on Senator Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.


What Bloomberg does will have more consequence than what Warren does. If he bails I think Biden will win even if Warren enthusiastically endorses Bernie.

Here’s the thing, people like Biden more than Hilary, and people tend to vote for who they like more than anything else, and much more than policy.

I’ve seen just enough wrestling to know that she comes out with her fists raised at Biden–at which point they join arms and double Western lariat Bernie off the stage and over the head of a masturbating James Carville.

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I’ve got Bloom still holding on to a brokered convention where he can offer every delegate 5 million under the table

You think the guy who just blew 600 million to win american samoa is smart enough to think of that?

Also I don’t think he wins even with that.

Warren is not going to endorse Bernie. She may well endorse Biden.


I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. I make enough money to where I definitely lose under a Bernie presidency, but it’s what’s best for the country, it’s what I believe is morally right, so it’s what I’ll be voting for in the primary. But, at some point it’s like I’m going to the mattresses arguing with people and they’re voting against their own self interest and yelling at me that I’m the bad evil socialist and it’s like holy fucking shit I’m voting to pay more taxes MYSELF so you can have a better life and you’re yelling at me for it. What in the actual fuck?

Like the girl I’ve been dating is terrified of socialism, loved Buttigieg, will probably go Biden over Bernie. She wants her student loan debt cancelled, better healthcare, etc… and thinks Bernie is an evil socialist no matter how many times I try to tell her he’s for what she wants. She makes probably in the neighborhood of 25-50% of what I make, and I’m sitting here discussing it sometimes having almost an out of body experience like what in the actual fuck is going on here??? She’s asking me how we’re going to pay for it. I’M going to pay for it, okay? MY taxes are going to go up, like literally so someone in almost your exact position (or the one she was in 2-3 years ago I assume) can get free healthcare. I’M voting for this because it’s right and YOU’RE voting against it because how are we going to pay for it???

I’m probably either primarying someone here in 2022 or checking out of politics and just checking in to vote every 2 years. My heart wants to go all-in and fight for the cause, but my brain knows I’d be taking a huge pay cut, giving up immense freedom, and likely just doing it to get my brains bashed in in a non-competitive primary loss to a strong establishment incumbent.

Perhaps I’ll try to toe the line and reach out to some organizations/candidates about doing 10-20 hours a week of freelance speechwriting/messaging consulting for free, or something.


It makes sense that Biden would choose a woman and it makes sense that he would want someone who appeals to midwesterners. Who else do you have for a midwestern woman with a reasonable level of government experience who looks younger than Biden? Tammy Duckworth?

I could see her endorsing Bernie. I could also see her endorsing Biden as part of a deal, but I don’t think it will matter either way. I think Bloomberg dropping out would be pretty major for Biden.

Sounds like a cult of personality.

Tammy Baldwin, Tammy Duckworth, Lauren Underwood (would be a stretch).

then again, who the hell knows.

Biden owes both Pete and Amy some big shit for today, that’s all I know. Amy for VP, Pete for SecDef or SoS, who knows.

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Klob makes a lot of sense to me as a running mate.

If he wants to go after Arizona, what about Janet Napolitano?

I agree, but I also hate Klob as much as she hated Pete, so I’m probably not the best judge of this.

Yeah it’s 6

She wants to be president.

Or Meghan McCain.

Klob is boring but also inoffensive, and I assume well liked in the Midwest. I really think Hilary lost just because a lot of people just didn’t like her. Biden/Klob is much more palatable than Hilary/Kaine.

<Looks up Megan McCain’s age>


This is kind of why I think it’s what’s going to happen.

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