THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat


This is the guy MSNBC wants opinions on Bernie from. Totally stable genius this guy:

In January, 2020, Carville endorsed Colorado Senator Michael Bennet’s unsuccessful campaign for the Democratic Presidential nomination. Remarking of Bennet during the campaign season: “this is John Kennedy recloned, you can’t get any better than this guy.” Bennet, who leaned hard on Carville’s endorsement, garnered 963 votes in New Hampshire, or .03% of 300,022 total Democratic ballots cast in a year of record-shattering turnout.

In February, 2020, Carville suggested jettisoning the Democratic presidential primaries and caucuses, letting House Speaker select the Democratic Party’s presidential and vice-presidential candidates, and suggested Mitt Romney should “resign from the Senate to save the Democratic Party’s ass, and run our convention.” Carville further added he might make a write in vote for Nancy Pelosi when he votes in Louisiana.

In February 2020 media appearances and interviews, against a back drop of Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders rise in the polls, Carville expressed his displeasure at the prospect of Sanders being nominated, branded Sanders as a “communist,” and pejoratively labeled Sanders’ base of support as a “cult,” and warned of the “end of days,” if Sanders were to win the Democratic nomination. Carville used his media appearances surrounding the dustup to rail against the ascendance of progressive populist Democratic policy positions such as “people voting from jail cells.”

I’m starting to think that at the end of the night the race in delegates is going to be very close, but it doesn’t matter. Going forward, that’s huge for Biden because Bloomberg will drop out and endorse him, and he’ll probably start crushing it going forward.

I think going forward, democracy reform is going to be my #1 issue. Our country is going to remain frustratingly conservative in both parties as long as young people and minorities have to stand in line five hours to cast a vote, as long as the Senate is rigged for rural areas, as long as they’re getting away with voter suppression in all the red states, and in the primaries in all the states.

Healthcare and climate change are more urgent, but we’re drawing dead on everything until we get democracy reform.


Those are all pretty good points. Especially about democrats actually liking their leaders.

I think we sometimes underestimate how much people hated Hillary and how much of the hate was deserved and came from people who weren’t completely brainwashed by the Republican noise machine. While Republicans are going to aim all guns at Biden, they just aren’t going to get quite that level of hate that people had for Hillary Clinton. He should theoretically outperform her 2016 levels just by being an actual Democrat who is not her.

We may have underestimated how much not being a real Democrat has hurt Bernie and how much of his 2016 support came from anyone-but-Hillary types who would have no problem shifting to a moderate that they actually liked.

As for Biden’s VP choice, there are those who say that running mates are rarely positives but can be negatives, so Biden may just want to pick someone safe and inoffensive who can’t torpedo a ticket like Sarah Palin.


no no no, not safe boring VP pick no no no

sure no Palin’s but jeez, Kaine was a huge error (even if ended up being the difference in VA) (though she didn’t know that at the time, she thought she was well ahead)

Klob is just meh and just meh isn’t what biden needs.

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I still can’t get over the fact that in 2016, my center-right father who hates Trump would have voted for anyone but Hillary over him and in 2020 he’d vote for anyone but Biden over him. Loves Bernie, though.

GJGE Washington Generals. Way to win over those moderate conservatives.

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Maybe she’s just a former Republican who got a call from the Democratic party establishment to stay in the race to take votes away from Bernie

This is big, agreed.

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Biden gonna do zero ground game just like Shill and then they’ll blame Bernie for it again. That’s why I’m pulling the lever for Coronavirus this November.



Yeah, I don’t think she operates that way.

Biden’s VP must be:

One or more of: woman, person of color.

One or more of: Midwest/Rust Belt or Progressive.

Under 60.

Either a governor, US rep, senator, former cabinet secretary or mayor of a large city.


That dude is known for being a total lying fraud. Sadly, i see people cite him once in a while.

Fuck it, why not just run the ghost of John McCain for VP. It’s mavericky!

Joe and John 2020: Three feet in the grave, and one up Trump’s ass!


do they bother with calling shit at 2:45 am?

Cuellar leads by 3 with 40% reporting against Cisneros. From an article I found while Googling the race.

Cuellar has raised $1.7 million this election cycle, with his top donors coming from the oil and gas industry and the private prison industry, while Cisneros has raised $1.3 million, with money coming in mostly from small donors.

LOL Dems.

Woke up to check everything, now it’s definitely over.

I think the big takeaway here is Bernie’s team failed at the media aspect of this. They put too much stock into old fashioned shit that doesn’t matter like organization (only relevant for caucuses). He made unforced errors like the 60 Minutes interview. They needed to drive the narrative and not let Biden take it over as a redemption story or whatever. Trump got terrible media coverage but he got lots of it and he used it to show that he was the underdog. Bernie never looked like the underdog that he actually was.

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He might fall under in TX too

cc; @anon3530961, @microbet