THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

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I like her and thought for a bit she might be better at getting progressive policies passed but…

There was to be no joy in Unstuckville that day, for Jessica Cisneros is out.

Cuellar wins according to DDHQ. Could be an early call, as others don’t seem to be making it.

Vict0ar will vote for the family seperation and child detention so that he can maintain his sense of smug moral superiority over the rest of us who are too dumb to realize that Biden = Trump.

Keep fighting that good fight, Vict0ar. Those kids went this long without their parents, what’s four more years, am I right?


This implies you are going to vote.

He’s probably going to vote for Trump.

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It’s not even about the victors of the world. Who is going to wait in line for 5 hours to vote for joe biden? Like I support him vs trump in principle but if I showed up and saw any line at the polling place I’d be like fuck this noise.


I’m going to have to really think hard about not sitting this general election out and anyone who wants to blame people like me, can go fuck themselves. The Dem establishment made it perfectly clear they don’t give a fuck about including the progressive wing of their party in the process and then they’re going to beg us to unify and get behind their “installed” candidate in the general? Sorry. You’re not going to guilt trip me about kids in cages or any of Trump’s policies. THEY did this. THEY get the full blame!


Mine tells me republicans are a grave threat environmentally which endangers human existence as we know it. Sometimes in a street fight you need to get dirty and do what you need to do to end that threat. Then deal with the lesser threat.

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I really do understand the anger and resentment amongst Bernie voters. The game is rigged and the Dem machinery has squeezed him out with a big assist from the news media. It’s ugly and unfair, and I get that people are inclined to just walk away from the whole thing.

But in November, Donald fucking Trump is going to be on the ballot. If he wins a second term we’re going to see a whole new level of weaponised political vindictiveness including but not limited to internment camps, jailing of political opponents, state sanctioned violence against protestors and even more blatant voter suppression. You’re going to have a hard time explaining yourself if you don’t vote against that evil, lazy, brainless, spiteful piece of shit.

It’s ok to be angry. It makes sense to be utterly deflated. But get these thoughts of not voting for Biden against Trump out of your head because it can still get a hell of a lot worse.


Black people?

Fingers crossed. Luckily they aren’t going to be the target of mass disenfranchisement tactics and we can be certain all of their votes will totally get counted accurately.

Hey I know who can beat Trump! Someone who is largely indistinguishable from Hillary Clinton except for having 50 fewer IQ points.

At least the debates should be entertaining but we’ll probably be deprived of them unless scientists learn how to reverse senility.


That’s taking responsibility.

Anyone who doesn’t hold their nose and vote Dem in November has no right to complain about Trump again.


Biden winning gives me strong John Kerry 2004 vibes :frowning_face:

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Yeah I’m going to check out until election day. My sole contribution is going to be dragging my wife to the polls. Last night the last thing she said to me was I’m not voting for Biden.

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Among the sadder realizations is understanding that AOC is never going to win a national election. And it has nothing to do with policy or anything that should matter. The teevee will attach the boogie man socialist label every time you see her face, and that’s going to be that


I vote in Oregon so my vote doesn’t matter. Tempted to sit out if Biden is nominated.

I’m unsure if its not better to have four more years of Trump burning it all down followed by a democrat committed to changing things than four years of Biden being toyed with by the GOP followed by Trump #2 getting elected.

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