THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

I don’t like Buttigieg but I would have had zero qualms voting for him against any GOP candidate let alone Trump.

We can’t see twenty years into the future… But yeah aoc 2024 isn’t going to win.

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Meh I’m in CA so my vote doesn’t matter at all so I’m probably going to write in Bernie. If I lived anywhere that mattered I’d definitely vote for Biden. But LOL at running up the score for a bunch of ghouls who were ready as fuck to ignore the popular vote, just so they can go back to crying about the popular vote after Trump wins the electoral college.

I think everyone emotions are high right now, but most people at least in states that matter will end up voting Biden after severals months reminder or how bad trump is and Bernie getting behind Biden as well.

Still independents and casual dem voters prob aren’t showing up for Biden and Trump is gonna crush anyways. They learned nothing from 2016

FYP. This is on you and it was always going to be on you. There are consequences for adopting an entirely inflexible position.


Very excited for Bernie to get blamed again when the uninspiring mediocre establishment candidate loses to DONALD TRUMP


People are passing over the positive outcome that at least Bloomberg got crushed. It’s not much solace for Bernie fans, but it’s significant.


It should be Abrams. He needs those voters to turnout. HRC had those votes too but they didn’t turn out enough. Also Abrams vs Pence I a debate stage would be phenomenal to watch.


I hope you’re right. O/U before Biden is no longer pres, 2022. JK, Trump wins again.

Had a terrible dream that Biden crushed it last night

I hope you really fucking enjoy it.


well, he isn’t wrong


When Biden gets crushed and we fall into a dictatorship, I hope the podcasts in a couple thousands years on the decline and fall of the American Empire discuss Elizibith Warrens part in it. I hope that’s her legacy.

Signed, former Warren supporter.

Hell my 70 year old mother who was a massive Warren fan is pissed at her.


Imagine still shitting on Vict0ar after last night. Hopeless.


None of this is new or confusing.

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Does he have black friends too?

Yup. He’s rarely wrong about how to fire up people’s amygdala. It’s his superpower.

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All the same reasons that she was the obvious choice to win the primary continue to apply as reasons for her to be the obvious VP pick. Also, Biden is quite likely to die in office or to be too infirm to pursue a second term, so you really need an experienced VP to take over.

When you are agreeing with Trump but not seriously questioning your position you have lost all connection to reality.

It’s kind of a stupid position to maintain Trump is always wrong, no matter what.