THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Just like pretending Bernie’s failures are all On the establishment.

Yep literally the same

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Good talk.

Hard to think of a much better default epistemology.

It really is horrifying to see all the self-proclaimed vanguards of the far left hearting trumps tweets , arguing his political takes have merit, and calling him funny and entertaining.

One wonders how the Overton window shifts!

Perhaps you should reflect on the fact that you chose to direct this comment toward me instead of champ.


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Do you really think Joe Biden will do anything meaningful with regards to climate change? I’d be hugely, HUGELY surprised if he did. This is from

We can create new industries that reinvigorate our manufacturing and create high-quality, middle-class jobs in cities and towns across the United States. We can lead America to become the world’s clean energy superpower. We can export our clean-energy technology across the globe and create high-quality, middle-class jobs here at home.

Focused on the economical aspects, great.

Ensure the U.S. achieves a 100% clean energy economy and reaches net-zero emissions no later than 2050.

This is incredibly passive and basically the same as not making any commitments.

There’s some big talk on the page and some good things, I’ll give him that. Will he ever spend much of his political capital on climate change plans that matter though? I’d be incredibly surprised.


Jailing political opponents, i.e. Establishment Democrats, you say? Hadn’t considered voting Trump before but now you have me intrigued…


I reckon the chances are pretty good that Hunter at least will see the inside of a jail cell before november.



I admit it. I’m dumb. I don’t get the donut thing?

They are Girl Scout cookies called Samoas.


@anon38180840 if you run in 2022 I’m all in if I’m still in the philly area. Yea you’d be up against some incumbent establishment hack, but look at what AOC did.

Bidens VP pick is so massively important that I’m very certain he’ll make the worst choice possible. I guess the best outcome now is VP Liz, then a Liz/AOC 2024 ticket, then President AO… ah who am I kidding. It’s going to be Klob and they’ll get absolutely crushed.

I’m already mentally preparing myself for the first person to blame Bernie voters on Nov 4th. It will take every ounce of energy not to punch them in the face.

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Oh gtfo with this bs. He got the most votes. He also won black voters by a ton. I’m sorry that in the end democratic primary voters preferred Biden to Sanders but that’s just the facts of life. He is light years better than Trump and he is a god damned liberal by nearly any metric. If you think otherwise you are falling for the Russian/Trump disinformation campaign targeted against BernieBros to make sure you don’t vote so Trump can win again.


I’m with you until here.


It’ll be Abrahms, someone on his team will convince him she can carry Georgia for him and then of course he will massively lose Georgia

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Parody is dead


Supreme Court, folks.

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Let’s fight

God, are we really going to make Abrams a thing? gl Dems, betting all your chips on people with strong support in places the Dems will never ever win, I’m sure that’ll work out fine.