THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

because just last week bernie was going to win every state, we have the attention span of a gnat

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He ended up winning NC by 20 points, btw. Carrying on as instructed.

You win. Shitty night. Enjoy the internet points.

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I think Amazon accepts them.


There’s some in depending on where you’re getting your results. And they are basically tied in same day there.

Texas is done.

Yeah, one of the biggest ironies is that Biden only has a shot because he was VP and he was only picked as a running mate because he was he was Obama’s polar opposite. (young/old, black/white, inspiring/experienced). So dems are voting for a candidate because he’s the opposite of what they actually wanted.


we are 100% going to get BENGHAZI level amount of senate hearings on burisma starting tomorrow i would bet.


He should pick an eDem as a VP. Ive thought all along Kamala, i know people dont like her and im not sure why i do, would be good but dont think either would do it.

They’ll probably time it for more general election impact.

If only there was a candidate who aligned with Bernie on most policy issues but labeled it responsible capitalism instead

I was trying to keep quiet about this, mostly because I was hoping it wasn’t true, but I follow a lot of #TeamPete on twitter, and all day it’s been posts about how to volunteer for Biden, how to get new ballots in CA for Biden (if they still had them but filled out for Pete), pictures of votes for Biden, pictures of people switching their yard signs, etc.

I know that a lot of people on here didn’t really understand the depth of Pete’s grassroots support, but it was there, and when Pete told them to vote for Biden…most of them did. He had close to 1m separate donors, (second or third most, i believe).

I firmly believe Pete people gave him MA, TN, ME, and maybe TX. Klobuchar didn’t have enough people to affect anywhere but MN, but Klob + Pete people in MN put Biden over the top there too. We were well-organized, well connected via social media and grassroots groups, and they got over their apathy toward Biden and got out the vote for him.

My advice on my news interviews, etc was for people to research and vote for who they felt aligned with them most. But for most of them Pete was their biggest influence. I suppose it’s understandable, but I still wish it hadn’t have been Biden. Zzzzzzzzzzzz


Biden went from 10% of the vote in Iowa and Nevada to crushing every single state. This is like the Clay Davis court room scene. Wtf just happened?

I guess skydiver8’s post helps explain it.

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Sure, but if it’s between him and Sanders, Bernie has basically run his campaign as if Biden is generic dem. If the dem party as a whole was less popular right now I think Bernie dominates. Instead he’s got a chance, but it’s uphill. Like if Biden and Hilary switched, and Biden ran in 2016 I think Bernie could have beat him. And if he ran against Hilary in 2020 (assuming she sat out 2016, so no emails, Benghazzzi etc) I think he also wins.

Bernie wishes all these states were caucuses again

29% of the vote in California. :(

(that’s 10k people)


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  1. Still holding out slim hope for Bernie comeback.
  2. If not, hoping Biden nails his vp pick.
  3. If not, I cant wait for trump to run as the less corrupt less creepy touchy candidate. Fucking boomers.

I feel like Kamala is a lock for Biden’s VP.

I feel validated. San Diego county results so far

Lol Liz and we would have gotten delegates and probably beaten Biden AND Bloomberg

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