THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Maybe Bloomberg can just pay people to relocate to WY, AK, MT, etc.

Added benefit. You’re less likely to get coronavirus.


ugh. I have literally zero desire to volunteer or work in any way on Biden’s campaign.

I swear, I’ve never gone from 100% investment to complete and total apathy so fast.


<----------- Sanders supporter. Tonight is awful.

Who the fuck are you?

That’s cool and all, but with 17% reporting he doesn’t even have 30% of the vote.

Unexpectedly, I don’t hate Yang as a CNN pundit. He’s something of a Bloomberg slurper for his business and analytical sense, but really, I kinda buy that he has some sense there.

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Sanders only getting 27% in California. Not good enough

He bet on most people being button-clicking donks who are easily hoodwinked and he was bigly right.

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I’m not sure there’s anyone on Earth I’d rather hit with a flying Macho Man elbow drop off a two-story building than James Carville.

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Seriously. Biden is an incoherent mess with baggage not only on his political policies but all were going to hear is Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, corruption, corruption, corruption.

I dont think he can win. Why do i got to be on team dem…sigh.

There’s no better way to defuse the #YangGang idiocy than for him to sell out and become a slappy on a corporate nooz network watched by Boomers. Fantastic heel turn.

I’m watching TYT coverage. They have Ben Mankiewicz on, and he always makes good points. He said that Bernie has to make a move to assure voters that he’s not scary. Fear is the generator of Biden’s success. Ben brought up Obama in 08 putting Biden on the ticket, to send the message to voters that yes it’s okay, you can vote for a black guy with the middle name Hussein.

Telling a majority comfortable-ish population (definitely majority comfortable electorate) “God damn right I’m a Democratic Socialist, and the revolution starts now bitches!” isn’t going to get him across the finish line even if it revs up the base. I’m not sure what exactly he should do, and he shouldn’t change any policies (well a couple I think are bad, but it’s not the policies that matter here), but some kind of stylistic shift from his current lectern pounding.


Since about the beginning of 2018, generic dem has been very popular vs generic republican. Biden is basically generic dem and Sanders trying to win as an outsider against a popular party has been an uphill battle. It’s different from, 2016 where generic dem wasn’t consistently that popular but Sanders started his campaign with a massive name recognition deficit. Still not completely over imo. Not easy but I think Sanders can still win with good debates plus his money and organization.

sanders also will gain in delegates over Biden next week.

After that it gets choppy though.

I mean, maybe, but I kinda want to have someone to watch on nights like tonight, most are terrible, and he’s not terrible at it.

Also, RIP Bernie in TX.

0% from San Antonio which should be heavy Sanders territory. He has texas.


Who the hell cares, though? Like, the narrative is going to be that Biden had an unexpectedly awesome night (he did), and Bernie catching up in a few delegates in the days after isn’t going to upset that. Biden riding a narrative after SC is what shipped him so many votes in unexpected places (along with the Klobucharmy in MN).

Utah going for Sanders too