THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

he’s pretty sure republicans will vote for his moonshot to cure cancer

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I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I wish Pete was the one they decided to ram down our throats. And I strongly hated Pete as a candidate. The general election with Biden is going to be an absolute bloodbath.


I’d snap call Corey Booker right now.


If you can explain what Biden is actually winning on I would be interested.

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It would be nice if MSNBC would differentiate Bloomberg’s and Biden’s colors on the map a bit better.

Probably bowing out for a while after tonight as well, soul crushing.

Corey, Kamala, Beto snap

Hell I’d snap call Pete or Amy at this point

I had a bunch of work to do today, like seriously 10 hours+ of work, I have worked maybe 1 hour. I’m more fucked than the Democrats’ chances of beating Trump.


No doubt.

Positive media coverage for no apparent reason.

A guy who has a 50/50 choice on which woman behind him to kiss and still gets it wrong on the best night of his 94 year political career is going to beat Trump.

We have blasted by idiocracy in just a few short years.

Imagine living in CA and actually bothering to vote in person.


This was a terrible night…

That being said… my earlier sentiment stands. whenever this whole primary BS is over, we need to come together


Everyone here did their duty and voted for Hillary and it wasn’t enough then and it won’t be enough now. I held my tongue from the convention to the election last time - online anyway - not going to do that this time. Fuck Joe and the Democratic Party.


I don’t believe this is true.

honestly, our real duty is to try to convince more democrats to move to shitty red states.


And in addition to holding our nose and voting for someone we may not want to, we also need to convince others to do the same.

EstablishmentMatt - the delegates are going to be pretty close to even after tonight once California is counted. Biden will be going 1 on 1 on the debate stage with Bernie. Don’t celebrate too much just yet.


Bernie takes California

Nate Silver like the posterboy for 2+2 on ABC if anyone else is watching lol. Pete is a Splinter level alpha rat compared to this guy.

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