THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Texas lead has gone from 60k to 40k now down to 17k. its over.

Oh that really stinks.

For the overall nomination. Is it way lower now? Probably Texas.

Decision desk calls republican runoff for Alabama Senate republican nominee between Sessions and Tuberville. I didn’t realize there was a 50% threshold before.

In addition to the primary for November, I know CA-25 (Katie Hill’s old seat) has a special election tonight for the rest of her term, but it also has a 50% threshold in the jungle primary, otherwise the top two will runoff in May. With 11 candidates, any result is possible, could be 2 Ds, 2 Rs, or 1 D 1R.

Are there any other special elections tonight?

Bloomberg Territory!

Yeah, Bernie YES is now 25c NO is 75c.

Nite all


Tonight feels as bad as the 2016 election night did. It’s confirmation that yes still WAAF. Except I don’t see a path out of it anymore. I will show up and vote for our senile nominee but Trump is winning and democracy is dead in our country.


Ah sorry I reported that backwards but I meant you should bet on no.

Oh god
Oh man
Oh god
Oh man


oh jeez
oh Lord
Oh God
oh no

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The whiplash of hope levels over the past week may break my level of caring for good. I’m really close to just tuning it all out and hoping Trump doesn’t get us all killed.

Social media and our failing educational system have doomed us to live out our lives in early to mid stage idiocracy. Honestly we deserve to have the coronavirus wipe out 20% of our population.

ETA: I’m not going to delete my original sentiment but obviously I don’t actually wish that end upon anyone.

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Gotta keep that “finishing third in your home state” momentum rolling.


Biden YES at 70c is a better buy than Bernie NO at 75c, I would think.

Hey remember for in the last three years everyone was giving lectures about running on POLICIES and not making the fatal Hilldawg mistake of running as Not_Trump? Good talk.

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coronavirus tho

Looks like we are doing the same thing as last time hoping for a different outcome with a worse candidate than last time.

Cant believe they are making me vote for Biden. Any of the other eDems would of been better…

This country deserved Trump.

This party deserves Biden.