THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

My sister in law is still in line to vote in LA.


Northern California’s not too bad.

AP has called California for Bernie. I thought Biden had gained just enough they’d have to take 30 minutes.

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It sucks. I should have realized it earlier but yeah as a member of the millennial generation, I’ve had to slowly come to grips with the fact that the entirety of my life is going to be misery because our parents completely fucked us and will continue to until their dying breath.

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If she’s voting for Bernie tell her we need to run up the score there big time and to stay put. If she’s voting for Joe tell her Joe already went to bed and she should too.


If you have to stay in USA #1, I recommend college towns in warm weather places. Athens, GA is delightful, for example.

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And it’s affordable!



Despite the AP call, Bernie still only at 97-98c on PredictIt in Cali, if anyone wants free money.

Damn, his lead is slipping in Texas.

Silver lining has to be retake the Senate (not lose it again in 2022 which probably happens with a Dem president but who knows) and then AOC blue wave in 2024 - provided we fade Trump destroying the world, democracy and our wills to live. Also RBG somehow holds out.

Don’t hate me but Bernie as a no bet at 28c is massively +EV.

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You’re in the bargaining phase. I’m in acceptance.

I’ll try to find meaning in my personal life, with family and close friends. I’m done with politics.


Very very unlikely RBG holds her seat for another 5 years unfortunately.

Honestly, one of the huge advantages that I see for Bernie is his rabid group of supporters. These guys are super organized and committing sick hours to his campaign. People just aren’t doing that for Biden. At all.

And yet, it apparently doesn’t matter. I really thought this would help get the vote out against Trump-- it’s criminal that you even need to register to vote at all. But after today, I’m not sure any of this is true.

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North or south of Sacramento?

After today I’m really liking the idea of needing to pass a test to vote. Like if you say you want M4A, you need to name the candidates that support M4A. If we want any hope as a country voters need to be so much better at knowing what the fuck they are voting for.

He usually knows what he’s talking about.

Bernie does god awful with old people, Biden does god awful with young people.


Well, that’s why the rabid army is so valuable. There’s basically no way we’re getting any real progressive policies without having massive numbers of people willing to get into the streets. Bernie’s network of callers/texters and such, plus instructions from Daddy, was really the only way to make any of this happen. So I still think it’s important.

But with Biden in charge, none of this will happen. This group will break apart into pet projects, and they will add awesomeness and experience to many things, but they will not coalesce into a national force. They will be taking pot shots at Biden from time to time, though, and he’s going to have a tough time even if he gets into the White House.

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