THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Wrong. He needs to make it about Biden’s record on:

  1. Social security
  2. Anita Hill
  3. Being a corporatist.

Then contrast their healthcare positions.

He needs to hammer that Bernie is beating Trump in all the polls, not Biden. He needs to compare Biden to Hillary, yet another status quo corporate Democrat, tailor made for Trump to tear to shreds.

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He needs to get like 100 more delegates than Biden out of California.

3 hour lines. USA #1

In theory, if a candidate wins:

  1. The most delegates.
  2. The biggest state, which is deep blue in the general.
  3. The second biggest state, which is red in the general (but could be in play now).


  1. Beats Trump head to head better than his opponent.

It’s pretty tough and pretty stupid to ratfuck him at the convention.

But of course that’s exactly what’ll happen if Bernie wins the total delegate plurality, CA, TX and wins in all the polls.

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Delegate lead doesn’t mean much. Bernie needs 50%+. That’s less of a pipe dream than the 40-20-etc or whatever skydiver talked about needing before she, someone who has Bernie at #2, would have needed to make it hard to not vote for Bernie in the 2nd round.

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Update on the TX28 race, Cuellar the incumbent establishment moderate Dem who votes with Trump like half the time vs. Cisneros the Justice Dem endorsed by AOC.

With 7.62% of the vote in…
Cuellar 17,000 51.31%
Cisneros 16,135 48.69%


I suppose Mitch will subpoena Hunter sometime around mid-September. Joe might actually do worse than Hillary, and that is a low bar I tell you.

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This is the goddamn DNC we’re talking about.

I’ve really only ever learned one thing from politics and that’s that the Democratic party will find a way to lose, against all odds, against any opponent no matter how inept.


Trump’s twitter fingers gonna be moving so fast they gonna smoke if Mike drops out tomorrow.

Are there any cheap places to live in Cali it seems like the only good place left

I am going to laugh with glee when the NYT earnestly covers the Biden investigation.


WA is ok when not overrun by virus.

California too close to call? Fuck.

What’s with the convention talk? No ratfucking would be necessary

So they’re just going to wait until everyone goes to bed to give Bernie his big wins, right?


I’m going to go my entire life with Mitt Romney’s healthcare plan as the “best” political thing to happen.

“They want you to give up.” Congrats, that’s what I’m doing.


Pres Kamala 2021 incoming.

Hey don’t diminish that! Almost impossible to get tricked into spending your political capital passing the other party’s health care plan. So so progressive too! Chuck and Nancy!


In a van.


Thay was the plan all along. They slow walked his early successes to run out the primetime clock. Got to pump the Joementum narrative as much as they can before slipping in the TX and CA results after everyone checked out.