THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

We can laugh at Bloomberg for having blown 600 Million only to win American Samoa (he could’ve bought that place for less maybe?)

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This could be the last time we have to suffer through a truly progressive candidate losing the primary.

Because we’ll be authoritarian soon.

Keep donating and texting. It’s a pretty low opportunity cost and it’ll probably make you feel better.

Lets see Trump out rambles him.

If it’s any consolation to anyone, I’m not sure I believe the narrative that Bernie was this close to building unstoppable momentum and then got totally fucked by SC or whatever. I kinda think this was coming anyway, just might have been a little more Chinese-water-torture-ish and been more painful to watch.

Joe Biden working with Mitch McConnell to get tons and tons of bipartisan legislation passed.


Or at least more drugged up.

Utah wasn’t called immediately because Utah doesn’t have exit polls.

Sanders can actually beat Biden still but he has to make it all about Hunter Biden, the crack head prodigal son making $500,000 a year. He has to say that that money is a bribe. He has to say that Biden should be prison.

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Perhaps sooner rather than later.

warren dropping out tomorrow after ratfucking bernie tonight would be the icing on the cake.

I mean i honestly thought you guys are being nice and letting him participate in the debates cause it makes him happy. How is he the nominee? I get the NeverBernie, but why grandpa?

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The cuts to Social Security and Medicaid will be very reasonable and moderate, just like the tax cuts for the 1%… Joe’s going to put the PROGRESS in Progressive.

Ive been fucked up since voting at 1pm. I probably wont really realize how bad this is until tomo. So in short drinking is great short term medicine.


Joe puts the Ogre in Progressive


Do you want him to pick up Republicans? Dems do not care about Hunter Biden and apparently most of them are fine with corruption as long as it’s Democrats

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Bernie needs to take California AT LEAST 60-40 to be in the delegate lead after Super Tuesday.

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Yeah Biden’s slurred speech and random blank outs are more advanced. It hurts him twice as much though due to speaking style since he’s up against someone with lowered expectations speaking at maybe the 6th-grade level and who possibly cannot read.


I think that would backfire, and thankfully I think it is at odds with everything Bernie has shown himself to be.


Would 50-30 work? I assume Liz and bloom are picking up chunks