THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

just think of the debates between two guys who’s brains are failing them

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He almost did the speech this time! Declaration of Indep…what?

Donald Trump is old as fuck, unhealth as fuck, and senile as fuck.

We’re going to let him run as the younger, healthier, more mentally coherent candidate.

GJGE eDems, way to go!


I just walked outside to pick up delivery, four guys are beating some girl’s ass. Never seen something like this before.

Two guys come up to me and say, hey man, she’s screaming for help. I say, ok, you guys ready to scrap with me (I’m a small dude, we’re probably getting beat up real bad). Dude thinks for a few seconds, says nah, and walks away. Why’d you ask me then Bro?

Anyways, I called 911. I’m loathe to get the cops involved in anything but…shrug.

What a cherry on top of the day.

Are we going to get Texas figured out tonight or should I go to bed?

Doing it again not calling Utah

Pete’s app is lagging a bit. Might as well go to bed.


Apparently Bernie’s also in danger of falling below viability in Alabama.

this, country doesn’t deserve better than Trump if Biden wins the nom.


It does kind of suck that Biden’s obviously in the sundowning phase, but Trump is an incoherent jibberish spouter too, but because the Present can’t be a insane rambling know nothing the press is going to edit his stuff so he sounds coherent, all the while shaking their heads at Biden

It’s kinda close but I think Trump is probably more lucid, and certainly declining at a slower pace. Good times.

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Can someone tell me what the silver lining is? I don’t even drink but I want to right now. I feel completely numb to everything.

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Eventually we’ll all be dead


We might not have to deal with election bullshit again


Today especially, very thankful for this.

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Stacey Abrams as VP?

Overall turnout numbers might be pretty good?

We can stop paying attention. It will save me like 15-20 hours a week. If and when Biden secures the nomination I’m out.


Seems like a good choice for the neoliberal/identity politics Democratic majority.