THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Tried to tune out watching the Celtics and they gave up 51 in the 4th and blew a 21 point lead. Glad my escape made me feel the exact same way the rest of today has made me feel.


I mean yeah, but I’ll still be catatonically depressed

I get that this is the narrative, but grim irony that everyone agrees that Sanders is a very decent man of great character


It’s weird cause Biden snaps into lucidity every now and then and you can see why he is well liked, but it just makes his constant fuckups stand out that much more

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I thought I was a cynical person but watching Biden’s corpse rise from the ground has me shook. This country is legitimately hopeless.


“Donald Trump is a big meanie” vote Joe!

Even if Bernie can somehow keep the delegate race close after tonight, I have a really hard time seeing how he stops Biden. The schedule moving forward doesn’t give him many opportunities to change the narrative. Mortal lock Biden racks up endorsements this week and the media blasts JOEMENTUM nonstop.

He’ll need some kind of black swan event in a debate or Biden contracting coronavirus or something.


That sucks

This approach worked so well in 2016, we can’t help but to try it again!


Its not possible anyone who has watched this is voting for this guy ever. What the fuck.

Only a majority of them are.


“There’s nothing we can’t do!”

Except single payer healthcare, because who the fuck wants to pay for that?

A lot of word salad on that stage.

Thia is what I imagine a caveman political speech to sound like.

“This is United States 'merica.”


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So does Barr announce an investigation into the Biden’s tomorrow, or wait until 2 weeks before the general election?

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This post made me laugh because that was a big reason single payer failed in Vermont.

The oppo on Joe Biden is gonna be he has full blown Alzheimer’s by November and I can’t argue with it.

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