THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

oh shit what was that

wait, Bernie might barely win Maine? wow

I think he actually gave me AIDS though.



This is unreal he doesn’t even speak words.

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Let dairy die??

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How you gonna pay for that cure for cancer Joe?


I’m on a vegan Facebook group, and they were criticizing all of the candidates for supporting dairy farms.

zero security at the biden rally lol that woman probably has coronavirus

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Notice Biden isn’t developing a cure for brain worms

Millions are having their brexit moment. SIGH.

I’m going to bed this shit isn’t worth my time. Maybe I’ll get lucky and wake up to Bernie winning Texas and by enough in California for it to be close.

JFC. This has to be a simulation. It just has to.

Are you asking for some coronavirus flair?


here’s those names you dropped JOE

Joe does the boomer thing Trump does, saying the quiet part out loud

Joe Biden is leading the race in starting a thought, stopping himself mid way and saying, “Well, no, I won’t get into that.”

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At least Joe knows who to thank for his overperformance tonight.

sounds cool