The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I’m ok with stopping the unemployment benefits

If they give a basic income to everyone whether they are working or not.


I guess if we wanted Bernie’s or Liz’s policies we should have elected Bernie or perhaps Liz :man_shrugging:

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Nah I think most people pay way more attention to politics now. Anyone interested in voting is having their opinions shaped on Facebook and Twitter. Everyone ive talked to about politics is pretty plugged in


Maybe the vast majority but racism Trumps all

We got like 95% of Dems on our side so all the shitlibs. No way these house rookies hild it up.

They will probably get some small concessions and then fold

He gave Rahm the Japan ambassadorship. Nice Friday dump, but good lord why.

Own the progs?

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: 2021 California governor recall election

Pelosi does seem good at getting people to fall in line.

Shiieett I called this a week ago, wasn’t so much Pelosi being good at her job as they were bluffing and it was obvious as fuck. They weren’t going to take on the entire house + Biden while risking tanking the bi partisan deal. It’s kind of like the reverse situation of the progressives last cycle, the moderates had little to no leverage and it was obvious. The Bi Partisan bill is like the first one of significance in what 20 years? And it probably isn’t happening again ever, and its an auto re-election for them if it passes.

Shit Pelosi mocked them a week ago and said they were a bunch of amateurs in their first meeting lol.

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Refuse to believe they’re this competent, this shit is only ever deployed to nuke actual liberals


like are we supposed to feel sorry for conservative dems? oh no, they’re going to ratfuck you via redistricting? GOOD. Your incompentent failnephew is going to lose his nepotisimternsip in the white house? GOOD.


What the heck is going on with the reconciliation bill ?

A few douchebags are threatening to tank it. Nobody seems that worried about it, yet.

lol at bringing up the person who used the end of her primary campaign to push a fake sexism narrative instead of backing Bernie on universal policies.

Dems are on vacation lol. Think they don’t come back until mid September. Same for the Senate

Here’s a good summary of what’s happening.

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I think Mod Squad is actually a fun nickname to use.

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they’re not mods. they’re conservative. don’t let these troglodytes win the branding war

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Moderates are still bad.

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