2021 California governor recall election

got my ballot yesterday, already voted.

Obviously gonna vote no on the recall, but who do i vote for?

I think the only dem with even an outside shot is Praffath, so thats where im putting my question 2 response.

A landlord and real estate broker? Masking optional? I guess the Dems aren’t sending their best.

Well their best is Newsom. It makes perfect sense to not run out a high caliber candidate that may siphon off No votes.

Its a shitty situation causesd by a shitty system that allows a minority to overrule the votes of a majority. Its shit.

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Didn’t know where else to put this. Honestly I got a feeling Newsom is going to get recalled. The polling is super close and I think Republicans are going to be WAY more motivated. Pretty much every republican I know is spamming this on facebook and been just going all out on this for month.

Democrats aren’t even paying attention and in their mind it isn’t possible for a Republican to win governor. I see no get out the vote stuff for Newsom.

It’s going to be a massive disaster. CA is going to lift all covid restrictions and go full yolo for the rest of the pandemic. The amount of damage that he’s going to do is going to be brutal.

Got my ballot, me and moms will do our part.

Will be peak Democrat when the legislature doesn’t pass a new “replace Feinstein” law.

Not just that but strip the governor of all their power. Republicans have already done it like 5 different times but nah gotta respect the norms.

If they don’t do both of those things We really need to get all the progressives to start voting 3rd party, even in 2022. Or write in. Take away 20% of democratic voters.

Although they wouldn’t give a shit lol, maybe the olds will finally lose power… lol.

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Did you try this thread?

Anyways, the recall is going to be framed as a referendum on masks and lockdowns. If Newsom loses, or even if it is close, some Democrats in places not as liberal as California are going to be afraid to push through COVID mitigation efforts.

California needs another movie star to run.

Maybe Mr. Peanutbutter will.


Its going to be too close but hopefully having the ballots be mail in will make it easier. It takes about a minute to fill in the ballot, seal it and put it back in the mailbox. There is no reason everyone who thinks Newsom is doing a good job (should be the majority of CA Dems) shouldnt be voting No here.

volunteers always needed!

Also, check your county party and local Dem clubs. The state is leaving canvassing and most phonebanking efforts up to the county/local party offices and clubs.

I have a sign in my yard to piss off the neighbors, and the SD County party made some super-cute door hangers for canvassing (Dems only)


Let’s say Newsome loses the recall. How long does the new guy get to be Governor before there is another election?

about a year. Newsom’s first term is over in 2022. Which is why this is so ridiculous.

The 12% threshold for a recall is silly. The recall vote and election of the replacement at the same time is silly.

It’s almost like it’s rigged to let a minority take over.

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The recall is going to cost ~$280 million as is, I don’t want to have to pay half a billion for this nonsense.

I can imagine a bad governor can cost multiples of that.


Its ok, we can use some of the 87 BILLION surplus that Newsom has presided over.

It is, and I have no idea why the supermajority didn’t propose a constitutional amendment to fix it. They new it was coming, the GOP started petitioning for a recall the day Newsom was sworn in. That’s not an exaggeration…literally the day. Then they ran out of time, and tried again. And again. It just never succeeded in getting enough signatures until this one.