The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

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Infrastructure Week is coming!

In September!

Still feels like they’ll find a way to mess it up.

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This was not good for progressives as far as I understand the story. Today Pelosi and the House committed to putting the bipartisan Senate bill up for a vote on September 27th, where previously Pelosi had conditioned the vote on passage of a much larger reconciliation package. Also this language from Pelosi

We must keep the 51-vote privilege by passing the budget and work with House and Senate Democrats to reach agreement in order for the House to vote on a Build Back Better Act that will pass the Senate.

comes after demands from the moderates to negotiate with Manchin and Sinema when crafting the bill. They will likely decide the ultimate fate of the bill anyway, but the problem here is that now the House would be negotiating around their number rather than just passing the 3.5 trillion and forcing them to negotiate it down.

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I’d be really surprised if progressives cave and pass the bi partisan bill before a reconciliation bill is passed in the Senate. If they do cave then that’s pretty fucking weak. They actually have a good amount of leverage and enough votes to tank it. Probably the only chance they will get to use their power

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Gotta take the chapo line. What possible reason could there be for CIA operatives to feel general malaise and depressive symptoms? Maybe that they are working voluntarily for all of the worst people in the world stomping out any potential instance of human dignity or solidarity and actively setting us all on the path of total annihilation? Nah it must be that russia (a country where everyone is drunk all the time) has invented a process that breaks physical laws as we understand them and created a superweapon where all it does is give you the megrims?

Oh Copmala has a headache? Could it be something to do with the fact that she sold out everything locked up thousands of victimless criminals and put everything on the line to be VP to a dying man only to have him shove their deal back in her face and say almost straight away that he wants to run again? Nah, probably a cuban megawatt brain laser actually.


I admittedly haven’t followed this stuff in detail, but this take seems odd. Stray microwaves do actually do weird things to your head and it’s not like Russia is a huge slacker when it comes to making military electronics shit. Or at least that’s what they told me when I was taking microwave safety training. I think. I wasn’t paying much attention.


I hope you’re right, and AOC has today reaffirmed her commitment to tanking the bipartisan bill if they don’t get a reconciliation package passed first.

She’s still giving herself wiggle room here though, no topline number demand, no specific priority that must be in the final bill, only “promises like” these. Idk what to expect really. My hope is that Manchin and Sinema have enough of their egos wrapped up in passing the bipartisan bill that they don’t test progressives with a super weak reconciliation offer, but who knows what their donors or the voices in their heads are saying to them.


Chapo on Havana Syndrome was funny.

Do they? It’s been a while but last I looked, there was anecdotal evidence (some of it pretty weird) but afaik there’s no mechanism for this to happen. I can imagine getting a headache from holding a hot phone up to your head and some local heating of tissue near the surface from microwaves but that’s about it. That said, I don’t put my phone in my front jeans pocket.

I have no idea if the embassy stuff is real or not, but microwaves fucking with your head seems to be a real thing:

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Maybe the Russians being drunk all the time is the reason they got caught using their secret brainwave ray? We Americans are always careful to keep the settings low on our top secret eavesdropping beam so that the beam only induces indigestion and mild depression.

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That’s interesting but the levels mentioned in the article are really high. They were cooking people.

Since the radiation levels approached the (then current) 10 mW/cm² limit of safe exposure, critics have observed that under such conditions brain damage from thermal effects of high power microwave radiation would occur…

Seems like these levels would make it easy to detect and identify a source. The cases in Cuba started years ago and there’s no clear cause yet.

That’s interesting too. But if the Russians have that truck parked out front, you’d know how you’re being attacked and it’s easy to defend against.

This is a typically long New Yorker feature, but it’s from just a few months ago and has a lot of detail on the current thinking about these incidents.


None for nothing, I wouldn’t tell anyone if I was the CIA and I knew these things.

  1. There’s definitely a lot of fucked up things you could do that wouldn’t be easily recognizable medically
  2. Mass hysteria definitely exists, see all the cops who ‘OD’ on fentanyl.