The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

From who? The media isn’t looking at this objectively and deciding who to blame based on the facts. They blame progressives no matter what. We are currently in the midst of 300 million people collectively forgetting the past 20 years in Afghanistan and seamlessly transitioning back to war mongering. Liberal pundits have already completely talked themselves back into doing some nation building, just for a little while longer.

Anything less than 3 trillion for the reconciliation bill is a huge failure on the side of progressives imo.

I mean I feel you, but the entire establishment is usually against the progressives. In this case when almost all of the house plus the president is on the same side as progressives I don’t see how they twist this to make it the progressives fault.

The media is awful and they might try to twist it but I don’t think they will succeed.

But yeah the reporting on Afghanistan is insane and I don’t get it. What does the media benefit from pushing more nation building? That shit didn’t benefit anyone but weapons manufacturers so why the fuck is the media pushing it? like 90% of people wanted us out, and yet the media is going against that. Make it make sense.

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I hope you’re right. I was very pessimistic that they’d even try to move forward with the big reconciliation bill and they surprised me there. Hopefully they keep it up

So this is actually reallly great, but doesnt this shit all over Bidens excuse of “the president just cant erase student loan debt” for regular borrowers?

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link is broken

Should be fixed now

Maybe I’m wrong but it sure feels like you could buy a whole generations vote with 1T of student debt relief.

Young people who went to college are already staunchly blue voters right? I think there’s a real likelihood that Dems think that dangling ideas like legalizing weed, student debt relief, etc will help drive turnout among that group more than actually giving them those things, while simultaneously placating the olds. Once your debt is cancelled now what are you coming out to vote for, youngin?

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I agree with this, unfortunately. Lucy, football, etc.

I don’t even think they’re dangling stuff out at this point. I guess Obama talked a big game about decriminalizing weed before yanking the football but the Hillary/Biden campaigns sure didnt talk much about that or student debt forgiveness.

Just got this email. Great job dems. This will surely get the kids to pokemon go to the polls for you.


Who sent you that? I havent seen anything near that combative from my lender

The US Department of Education

Holy shit.

What a terrible email

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At least they didnt capitalize and bold WILL

In other “Dear god, how can they fuck it up so bad” news

We’ve gotta get people back to work and stop these lazy moochers, according to my Boomer eDem in-laws. What could possibly go wrong forcing people back to jobs right as the 4th wave is gathering steam?

All people are going to remember is that under Trump:

  • Enhanced unemployment benefits happened
  • Student loan interest was paused
  • Evictions were paused

And under Biden, all of these will be stopped.

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Did not get an email