The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

What a fucking joke a two party system is where it prompts these lines of thinking lol. I do not envy American voters (other than not having to vote if they don’t want to).

I mean, clearly I’m voting for Biden if he’s the nominee, ESPECIALLY because the Republican nominee is probably going to be Trump or DeSantis. Plus, I’m in a battleground state. Will I vote for him in the primary? Probably not, but obviously have to see who the competition is, if there is any. I didn’t vote for him in the last primary. To not vote for the Democrat in the general in a battleground state would be lunacy.


America got democracy perfect the first time, ldo, and all the fuckheads with a parliament don’t know shit.

Ok. So instead of the hyperbolic and quick

Ungrateful or undeserving just means “not me”.

I should’ve said

Ungrateful or undeserving just means “not me when I took loans and worked to pay them back or had to work through college to avoid taking loans or had to work so had no opportunity to go to college or my parents worked to pay for me to go to college, making it unfair that I (or my parents) are not receiving this benefit." Where the use of the words ungrateful and undeserving is equivalent to throwing cucumbers at Joe Biden.

I’m not seeing an essential difference between the human and monkey complainers. The human complaints might not be justified but they think they are. They want a pony too.

If this were all strategic like that, I’d assume anything good on detention centers would have been done earlier since it would be broadly unpopular. So that’s probably still not coming.

Dropping in to put a turd in the punch bowl after a couple of solid weeks with real tangible wins is a recipe to never be happy and make everyone around you miserable

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Also apparently he had a pretty solid speech tonight campaigning.


Reminds me of my old housemate’s sign on the door of her room which I thought was just awesome, it said ‘Feminist Killjoy’. Maybe Wichita can be described as an ‘American Society Killjoy’ or ‘Biden Killjoy’. To each their own, people should be allowed to focus on the bigger picture even if it ‘bums’ people out #goodvibesonly.

I haven’t really paid close attention but has there been a trigger for this sudden shift (staffing changes, midterm worries etc)? Or just stuff has been in the works for a while and now plan actually govern has been unleashed?

Just let us have one day man


1 guess as to how this guy feels about the J6 attacks


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We got our asses kicked in the first quarter, but it’s time to get up off the mat. We’re going to try this for a little while:


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my initial instinct was that Dark Brandon was a reference to KH when i first saw it.

first past the pole ballots without rabked choice means that a two party system is almost inevitable. high polarization means that usually there’s a party that obviously matches your preferences better.

Fox really burned Joe bad with this graphic, how will he recover


I might be wrong but doesn’t virtually all of Europe use first past the post and very few of those countries (at least the democratic ones) have two party systems? Maybe the mixed-member(sic?) list voting system used in their unicameral legislatures contributes to some of this but the UK at least has 3 parties that frequently win first past the post ballots. Also ranked choice hasn’t helped Australia much until this past federal election and even then 135 of 151 lower house seats went to the big 2 parties (I guess 3 if you count the Liberal/National coalition as 2 separate parties which nobody does here). I think there are significant cultural drivers (political indifference, vested media brainwashing to name a few) that drive the two party dominance.

We still have people in cages, last I heard still including kids and families.


“Countries that primarily use a first-past-the-post voting system for national legislative elections”