The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I don’t think this is going to do it in 2022 or 2024. That’s it. He isn’t a political genius. Like I praised him on this myself multiple times but the flood of posts that this is somehow a Biden turn to actual meaningful long term progress is based in fantasy.

Will cut it out but reading through this thread was nauseating.

Again maybe I just don’t get it and am on the wrong level. I don’t want him to suck. He has sucked less lately. But i just don’t remotely see it as enough to stem the tide of what is coming.

You mad?

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Seems like you actually do know what he would have done differently? This is what i mean? The insane retconing on this isn’t honest.

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Been mad for years (j)bro

Yeah, but the top line number isn’t what’s important here. Comparing the DRA to the ACA is probably an apt comparison, but comparing the student loan order to the ACA is not. A 5 percent cap on IDR, 225 percent of the poverty level, no amortizing interest, and total forgiveness after 10 or 20 years of that is a really big fucking deal. It is progressive, it is good, and it is going to make a huge impact on people’s lives. It means that people can go to college (and graduate school) without having bone-crushing debt for the rest of their lives if they don’t get a high paying job.


What’s wrong with my post? I can’t enjoy some fascist tears for a change? I said it’s going to take more to actually inspire me to vote, but what’s wrong with enjoying a small win?

I agree with you.

Now do kids in cages, immigration in general, the fact democracy is about to not exist here, climate change, the rise of violent fascism, our court systems being fucked for the rest of our lives etc.

This BIG FUCKING DEAL isn’t going to mean much fairly soon. I actually like the student loan plan as I have posted for some of the non headline grabbing parts.

And you know what. Let’s say he rips through some of these issues with EOs where he can. I’ll like those also. I just think it’s totally delusional that this is some inflection point.

And an excellent dancer.

Nothing. I’ve enjoyed it too tbh.

Biden isn’t good and he isn’t a political mastermind. He is a bumbling moron who occasionally stumbles onto something good. If his polling was good this shit doesn’t happen and we all know it.

It’s a hail mary to save his presidency. I’d be happy to be wrong. I hope I am wrong.

A Biden/Harris bumper sticker would make it harder to use my car as a getaway vehicle, duh.

If we’re talking about how good Biden is at politics, we should be talking about how good he is at achieving his goals relative to what is actually possible, with what his goals are being irrelevant.

Let people celebrate some small wins. Everyone knows we’re still all fucked in the end


Yea I think we lived through 4 really shitty years with trump and it’s just nice to get some wins and this thing does seem to be quite good. It doesn’t have to be doom and gloom every day, it’s ok to have some hope that things might be getting better or just enjoy someone’s lives being improved.

I posted in the midterms thread I think but over last few weeks generic ballot seems to be rising and I’m allowing myself to become a little hopeful we somehow hold the house, I dunno, gotta have some hope man


I don’t think so. But enough people have said it that I’ll shut the fuck up for the night.

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What’s the difference?

so instead of voting to stave off the desantis camps, you are going to sit out and help desantis win?

meanwhile another small step for humanity

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Celebrating defeat after a couple nice wins is a bad way to go about life imo


“Who lets New Jersey have a Twitter?” tweeted someone with 88 followers.

The reply – “Your mom” – had nearly a half-million likes and 85,000 retweets.

ha it’s great


The difference is that these monkeys do not respond to just seeing another monkey randomly being given a grape. It’s specifically tied to and modified by the effort required to achieve the reward. These are some woke-ass monkeys demanding equal pay for equal work. Brosnan and de Waal have a second paper where they show it’s exactly this and not some other theories people were floating:

Task performance may turn out to be critical because two studies, one concerning the same monkeys as in the original inequity study, failed to find negative reactions to unequal food distribution if food was simply given for “free” instead of as a reward for a task (27, 28).

The conclusions from this work are that capuchin monkeys respond negatively to unequal reward distributions, that this effect can be explained neither by individual expectations of better rewards based on the past (frustration) nor by the mere presence of such rewards (greed), and that the sensitivity to reward inequity is combined with a sensitivity to individual energy expenditure. The highest performance is obtained when food is distributed equitably and the effort to obtain it is small, and the lowest performance is when a monkey has to expend great effort for less reward than its partner.

They also point out that their behavior is somewhat different from humans playing similar (ultimatum) games.

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It is at least stimulating discussion (largely in good faith I think). Like what else are we supposed to talk about? Just share twitter owns/memes etc (which do serve their own purpose in a different but also useful way)?