The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Like let’s be real the biggest issues are totally untouched. Immigration, elections, health care, and a ton of other things.

The Dark Brandon thing is genius marketing by people outside of the Biden admin and the fact some of you guys are falling for it is sad. We are all going to burn to death in a climate catastrophe or be rounded up into DeSantis camps soon and we are here talking about how Biden is a genius with a serious face?

Fuck off with that. People falling for these crumbs is literally why we are here.


It’s the same story as always. Most of us aren’t in battleground states and it doesn’t matter what we do in a national election. If we’re lucky it might barely matter what we do in local races.


I don’t see any option other than hoping they win the house and get to 52 senate seats. If that happens and they still do nothing on those issues, absolutely go full WAAF.


You aren’t wrong but what % chance do you put on that? The Dems have almost no chance to hold the house. That’s why I’d love to bet on it. I love free money.

Acting like Brandon is kicking ass here is just totally naive. It’s a bandaid on a terminally bleeding wound.

Few people here are under any illusion that Biden is anything but dogshit, we’re just enjoying things being slightly less shitty for kids with student loans and the Acela Belt dickclowns getting extremely mad.


It doesn’t seem like it to me? Maybe I’m not reading the crowd right but we have people talking about generational life changing events which isn’t what you are saying. We have people actually saying Biden is a political genius?

I mean come the fuck on

Wow we get to jerk off to trust fund fuckwits who already won the war being mad about something that won’t affect them at all?


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well at least we’re gonna have a lot better baskets in the future

That’s a far cry from being a good president. Like everyone here except maybe Iron voted for Bernie or no one at all and we’re pleasantly surprised that Biden is doing marginal improvements.

Biden is not a political genius? Nor is he a good president? Lowering our expectations is exactly why we are here.

It’s ACA 2.0

No, and even if he was, that’s not the same as being good. Karl Rove was good at politics.

Yeah, it is basically ACA 2.0. No real disagreement there.

Are all of these posts sarcastic? If so then I just was on the wrong level

It’s all relative. Given the Manchin/Sinema friction the bills to date are at least directionally correct. There is some momentum (really ignited by SCOTUS) and the White House seems to be pushing the momentum.

I am unconvinced Bernie could have pulled the votes that Biden did. He was the safe choice for a reason. White suburban women did vote for Joe, not sure they would have get there Bern. I would have loved it to be Warren personally.

I hope he steps aside in 2024 and a better more progressive candidate gets the nom. But if it’s a binary Biden/MAGA choice then there is no choice.


I don’t disagree. I even posted it myself. Maybe I just am not getting it but we are still probably fucked even with some small steps in the right direction.

This isn’t some genius dark brandon heel turn. It’s pretty close to the bare minimum and if the polling wasnt WOAT this year we get litetally nothing.

I don’t know how many times I can tell you that being good at politics and being good are different things. Big lol if you think Riverman or NBZ have Biden/Harris bumper stickers on their cars.

Biden isn’t good at politics unless you mean self preservation. Which maybe you do. He is good at that and I agree it isn’t debateable.

Maybe my definition of being good at politics isn’t this dogshit. It’s accomplishing what you were elected on. Biden is objectively bad at that compared to Trump. I’d take a leftist Trump over Biden in a heartbeat.


Dude, you gotta chill out.

Riverman said “Maybe Biden is a political genius?” with obvious hyperbole and the following post was ~“Not gonna say he’s a genius but he’s a great politician” and then that was rebutted with ~“Eh he’s actually a so so politician saved by being Obama’s VP.”

Quit acting like this is a chorus of people sucking his dick. Let people celebrate the surprising number of good things he’s done in the space of two days, and how he is starting to show the competence and messaging required to help democrats win elections against the likes of Desantis—wouldn’t that seem to be your main concern?

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Dark Brandon’s giving us some clarity on what voting harder is and what it gets you


Basically, yes. idk, I will disengage here; I see your point and I mostly agree but also I think you misread the room. The Dark Brandon memes are a lot more gallows humor than maybe you think.

I am not sure what President Sanders would have done differently on student loans. His top line number is probably bigger, maybe he does try to wave the magic wand and erase all current debts, but it’s still the structural changes that Biden just made to the repayment system that mean something going forward, including for kids who haven’t even started college yet. I don’t know that Bernie’s structural changes would have been any more “progressive” (via executive order). So yeah, thinks still really suck, but holy shit we can celebrate some wins. The student loan thing isn’t nothing. The Deficit Reduction Act isn’t nothing either. Other things still suck, yes, but I don’t know that just screaming “WAAF” is productive.

Edit: Obviously a President Sanders with a 60 seat Democratic Senate and a massive Democratic house is better, but that’s not what we have, and even if Sanders had won we’re still probably lookign at this shitty senate situation.