The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

It will be even better if his rise is due to the Repubs scoring the biggest own goal ever with Roe V Wade



I am not going to say that itā€™s genius, but it does at least make think that, if you are going to have only 2-3 major accomplishments in the first half of your first term, isnā€™t it best to stack them in the second summer rather than right out of the gate? And then you gotta wonder, can you work out in advance the number of things you can get through Congress and have the will to do by executive order?

I think a true genius puts out at least some crumbs earlier to avoid the depths of the approval ratings Biden had, but getting big stuff done now is good timing.

Maybe heā€™s just a slow starter. He started off slow on the primaries and got there. Maybe heā€™s going to have an all-time great second term.

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I agree that ā€œimmoralā€ is probably a bit too much for a categorical statement like that, and it really depends, but I donā€™t understand why the general idea that one should pay debts makes you the equivalent of a Fox News host.

What is ā€œdebt?ā€

New thread, I say,

Thatā€™s not whatā€™s happening in the monkey video. Itā€™s specifically about fairness, not ā€œsomebody got a pony but I didnā€™t get one.ā€

Iā€™m loving the rich kid tears about this. Itā€™s 100% that they donā€™t want to see people like me show up in the careers theyā€™ve hidden behind a career track that requires you to work for free for 5+ years. Amazing how easily they can understand their privilege when something increases the level of meritocracy.


the lesson that he should have learned from this is that progressive policy that upset a large portion of the country is a good thing both for the people and for his approval/electoral chances. we will see if thatā€™s what he actually takes from this.

Iā€™m in a home game with a bunch of lawbro journalists for a major paper and they were masturbating over these tweets tonight

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Ok I got in. Turns out I received $5k in Pell Grant money. And I have just under $12k federal loans currently left. And I paid about $2k of federal loans off after they were paused in March of 2020 so there may be some refundability there? No clue what any of this means but if means I might get out of debt a little bit sooner than Iā€™m a fan.

Will you be voting for Joseph R. Biden in November 2024?
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In a primary or in a general? Big difference.

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general (November 2024)

I mean, yeah, obviously Iā€™m voting for him in a general? I donā€™t really want President DeSantis or Trump.

Youā€™re in a home game with Jeffrey Toobin?


a decent % of this forum believes Biden needs to earn their vote

Keep the hand sanitizer nearby.

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We are rehabbing Biden here now because of free money for college kids a shitty bill and a few tweets?

I mean itā€™s mostly the usual suspects but good god guys this is sad. We are pretty close as to as fucked as were a month ago. Maybe 10% less.

If anyone wants to bet significant money on 2022 house results or Dark Brandonā€™s chances in 2024 Iā€™m all ears. He is total dogshit. Unlock some kids and maybe I can be flipped.