The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

most of europe has parliamentary systems where you are voting for a list of delegates from a party, not individuals in a race. it has its own problems

Biden is still Biden but the change in tone (Biden’s response about multi-millionaire tax breaks to that reporter, the “semi-fascism” comment, the White House tweets directed at the congressmen) is welcome as it seems to demonstrate a small change in tone and approach to more populist politics and less hand-wringing about norms. One theory of change in America involves the Dems holding the line against the fascist right for long enough that enough olds die off for cultural change to occur. And even if you don’t think that theory of change is super plausible, it doesn’t really matter unless you have a better one.


I went through all my social media canary channels today and across the entire political spectrum this seems like an enormously unpopular decision if the memes are to be believed, focusing solely on the $10k number and not the other stuff.

lol biden.

if anyone’s interested I can post some

i nearly killed myself through sheer exhaustion and am still dealing with the effects of the burnout working half a dozen jobs at once throughout school to get through without debt. if i can manage to not be mad, everyone else can too, it doesn’t make any sense to me when i hear people complaining about this.

to me it’s like, good, no one else will have to die trying, because I’m sure many have


Not all. Quite a few use proportional representation.

If he really wants to pull off the Dark Brandon twist, he’s gonna need to legalize weed.


The PPP weren’t intended to be paid back and so aren’t really loans so it’s a bit disingenuous to compare them, but rhetorically it’s really good when you get responses like this

Yes little Ben let’s see how many ex CIA or ex local business leader 50 to 80 years olds making 200k a year have student loans.


They’d need to get to like 54-56 Senate seats to do the kinds of reform that you are looking for.

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Fuck Trudeau

Justin Trudeau’s Liberals have abandoned their election promise that the 2015 federal election would be the last to use the first-past-the-post voting system.

In December, an all-party committee released a report recommending the Liberals design a proportional representation voting system and hold a national referendum to gauge support.

At the time, the Liberals refused to knowledge a consensus; two months later, Trudeau directed the minister of democratic institutions to abandon electoral reform altogether.

Trudeau’s new mandate is a total reversal from his promises on the campaign trail.

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I agree this is meaningful. However, while I doubt that a Republican president will add the forgiven debt back, I do expect that the next Republican President will undo some of the income caps.

This is basic “when we’re winning we like the rules, when we’re losing we want the rules changed” garbage. Infuriating.

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And are making less than $125k per year!


At this point I’ll consider that this is a body double or something. This is a different dude!

Actually giving people concrete reasons to vote harder!


Lol, she had a 2.7 gpa… in highschool??? Lmao. Yoooo, the reason you got into Penn wasn’t because you were super smart, it was because your parents had connections.

Eta, yep, she went to a top five private prep school, lmao. Eat a dick.

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At 2.7 after “improving steadily” LMFAO.

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Yes I worded my post poorly. I was aware of this when citing the mixed member system. I’d assumed lists operated alongside first past the post electorates in more countries than it does. I’m still unsure this system would lead to fairer outcomes in the USA as, again, the essence is having multiple viable parties that people will vote for (voting ‘1’ on their ballot). In Australia, proportional representation is also applied massively differently, we vote for every party in order of preference rather than the one party voted for everywhere else.

I don’t think it’s the general idea that debt should be repaid that is problematic. It’s that conservatives are skilled at making broad statements that seem reasonable on their face, but then applying them in a way that is intentionally designed to enforce inequalities through power structures. One of the ways that they succeed is to get people that don’t agree with their end goals to buy into generalities so that they can then implement their evil specifics. With debt repayment, they will use your acceptance of “debts should be repaid” to deepen the power of rich and otherwise advantaged people. They do this, for example, by making expensive school a prerequisite for accessing power structures, and then lo and behold you get stupid kids of rich people in all the positions of power. This is not a good thing. So while “pay your debts” sounds reasonable on the surface, stuff like large student loan burdens is very much the fruit of the poisonous tree and should be treated that way.

This is without even getting into the fact that people already in the power structure default on and restructure debts all the time. Because debt is superficially about borrowers obligations to lenders, but it is really about controlling access to power and having power over people. When conservatives say things like “people should be punished for their crimes”, which I guess is a “reasonable” statement on it’s face, we have become adept at identifying that they aren’t really interested in justice. We know in that context they are really interesting in applying the force of the justice system to protect their interests and keep other people from accessing their power. We really should be able to see this dynamic in lending as well. And student loans is an obvious place to start.


Wow. Must have had a good nap!


Literally all these same people were praising Trump for gojng bankrupt multiple times.

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