The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

If you’re talking about public loans then consolidation doesn’t make you lose your interest rate and you should never refi your public loans with a private company if that’s what you were talking about.

It makes sense for a lot of doctors who owe less or make more than me. Especially when rates were super low you could lock in like 1.5%

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I guess it’s a gamble betting against some kind of debt cancellation. Moot though as you say with interest rates the way they are.

Just heard a country song that could be an epigram for Biden:

All I know is in the end, it wasn’t what he did, no
It was what he didn’t do

There’s also a trick you should be aware of if your wife makes substantially less than you involving playing with married filing separately and one of you going on REPAYE while the other goes on IBR. Basically IBR looks at both salaries and loans whereas REPAYE only looks at the combined loans. I may have that reversed, but my wife and I were able to save a ton by doing this (she had substantially higher student loans than me and a substantially lower income).

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This like actually these people are lawfully present now, or is this like DACA where we just are leaving them in limbo and at the whims of future Presidents

The kids still in cages or nah we finally pivot on that?

Without further evidence, I’m gonna call bullshit on “never have to face deportation”.

Like in 2027, if we have President DeSantis with 62 senate seats, you’re telling me these people won’t be fearful of getting deported?

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Why on earth are they doing this “quietly”?


EDem brain disease in a nutshell

The country didn’t elect Joe Biden because they wanted a Democratic Donald Trump to go out there every day and divide the country more," said Cedric Richmond, who left his own seat in Congress to serve in the West Wing for Biden’s first year. Democrats attacking Biden are “scapegoating the President, or distracted and not focusing on what they should be focused on. He saved democracy once by beating a tyrant. He’s doing it again, but he doesn’t do it by beating his chest.”

The attacks Biden is facing now are “the same foolishness that got us Donald Trump – ‘Hillary wasn’t good enough,’ ‘She’s not fighting hard enough,’” Richmond said. “That’s what got us Donald Trump. And that got us Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. Case closed.”

keep in mind that a lot of these people who are making these arguments, these fucking shitbags who think they are entitled to your vote and that you’re being a fucking spoiled baby by like, actually demanding things like results from politicians, let’s just remember that a whole fuckton of them were PUMAs and boycotted Obama in the 2008 general after he beat Hildawg



Because an effective open borders policy is unpopular.

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This is true. Biden pretty explicitly ran on getting us back to normal and people voted for that. The rest of it is wrong though.

Ok, but they complain about not getting credit for the things they do. Can’t have it both ways, if you’re scared of criticism you can’t expect praise.

Boomers expect fawning praise and do not tolerate criticism. The conflict in that they expect you to absorb for them.

Not tolerating criticism is an everyone thing. Look at how upset millennials get when you tell them they don’t deserve to have their student loans forgiven and that Biden poll.

The biggest problem with Biden is that he’s trying to be James Buchanan 2.0.

Not sure I buy this logic completely. It could be that young people disapprove of Democrats but still want them “in control” because the alternative is worse.


Apples and oranges. People aren’t trying to hide the fact that they have student loans. Dems can’t simultaneously complain that people don’t give them credit for good policy while hiding policy they think is good. People HATE when someone is hiding something from them. This is worse than having the courage of your convictions and owning your policy decisions.