The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents


Because an effective open borders policy is unpopular.

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This is true. Biden pretty explicitly ran on getting us back to normal and people voted for that. The rest of it is wrong though.

Ok, but they complain about not getting credit for the things they do. Canā€™t have it both ways, if youā€™re scared of criticism you canā€™t expect praise.

Boomers expect fawning praise and do not tolerate criticism. The conflict in that they expect you to absorb for them.

Not tolerating criticism is an everyone thing. Look at how upset millennials get when you tell them they donā€™t deserve to have their student loans forgiven and that Biden poll.

The biggest problem with Biden is that heā€™s trying to be James Buchanan 2.0.

Not sure I buy this logic completely. It could be that young people disapprove of Democrats but still want them ā€œin controlā€ because the alternative is worse.


Apples and oranges. People arenā€™t trying to hide the fact that they have student loans. Dems canā€™t simultaneously complain that people donā€™t give them credit for good policy while hiding policy they think is good. People HATE when someone is hiding something from them. This is worse than having the courage of your convictions and owning your policy decisions.

Criticizing millennials is a whole damn publication field, iron. Yet somehow, itā€™s tolerated.

Criticism existing /= criticism tolerated. The people on the receiving end either get angry or block the source.

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lol everyone absolutely deserves to have their student loans forgiven.

If you go with the David Shor thesis liberals should do the things that they want to do but are less popular with key demographics quietly while highlighting the things that are popular. Immigration is one of those less popular things with lower income across the board and more so with whites, so Biden should publicly be saying heā€™s tough on the border for the rubes while doing whatever he can to make it easier for immigration behind the scenes.

Thatā€™s the theory at least.


Makes sense, people love it when you use focus groups to tell them some stuff but hide other stuff. No one will react badly when they inevitably find out about the stuff that youā€™re hiding.

Trumpā€™s stupid and ignorant sincerity wins elections because people actually like people that donā€™t hem and haw and calculate and check in with focus group consultants every time they speak. If Joe wants to get credit for doing stuff he should speak from the heart about why itā€™s a good idea to do the thing heā€™s done. Heā€™s actually good at that!

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What Trump did on immigration, specifically, was promise to Build A Big Beautiful Wall And Make Mexico Pay For It and then when he got into office he did essentially nothing and nobody cared. Surely the lesson here is that you can sell people whatever outlandish fantasy you like on immigration and then they wonā€™t hold you to it once in office because for most people it doesnā€™t affect their lives at all and what they actually want is to have their anxieties calmed.

Immigration is the classic issue in the US where the tenor of public debate bears very little relationship to what is actually happening at the border. Remember MS-13? Remember migrant caravans? Remember Muslamic-style jihad terrorists who were going to use the Mexican border to infiltrate the country? Remember Kids In Cages and how it was the defining civil rights issue of our time? And then, remember how concern about what was happening with these issues went straight to fucking zero the instant people got the political outcome they wanted?

People will accept being sold a fantasy on this issue because thatā€™s really what most of them want. They want to be assured that itā€™s Being Taken Care Of, somewhere out there. The last thing you want to do is try to acquaint them with the realities of policy.


You have a point, but remember that it is not symmetric at all. The Dems are the only party where there base has any interest in reality and effective policy. They canā€™t win on pure fantasy because their base actually cares about the truth. Of course they are susceptible to comfortable narratives, but not even close to level of the Republican base whose political beliefs are ENTIRELY fairy tales.


As opposed to progressives? Here??

Yep. Iā€™ll believe the young people arenā€™t alright when they support Trump by 20+ points in 2024.

Itā€™s kinda hard for participation rates to drop appreciably given how few of them vote.

Thatā€™s nothing new in politics or sales or any form of persuasion, so seems pretty good to me.

When it comes to Trump, definitely. His supporters like him much more when his dirty laundry is aired.

Bill Clinton, as well, of course.