The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents



This is a great example. If Obama had said “we’re going to build more health care coverage and make Mexico pay for it” and then did nothing, he wouldn’t get credit for that from voters. They want the real thing.

this is a myth the media likes to propagate and isn’t really founded in the data - over half of 18-29 year old voters showed up in 2020 and nearly doubled the % increase seen amongst all demographics from 2016 to 2020.

That’s good news for Joe Biden, especially if he’s up against Trump (who I suspect was the reason for the massive jump in enthusiasm).

Of course if 18-29 show up big time in 2022 then that theory is shot.

All the republicans have to do to assure victory is not run transparently evil, cartoonishly unlikable candidates. Of course, such people can’t win Republican primaries.

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McCain and Mitt. Trump was an anomaly.

I didn’t particularly like either of the M&Ms but they weren’t cartoon character villains.

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The question is the illegalization of abortion and threat against gay marriage going to drive them to turnout in 2022. Cause it sure aint going to be what the Ds have done for them.

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McCain and Mitt were the anomalies. Rs have been racing straight to the bottom ever since Reagan.

The Republican voter base is composed of cartoon character villains.

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Fear is always the biggest voter motivation.

Really, inflation and gas/food prices are the only important metric now. If those nosedive then Biden wins. If they stay higher than when Trump was in office he loses.

-300 you voted for them random mystery guest who doesn’t like progressive and totes just found the site when roe was overturned

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Look at this shit. Jesus fucking Christ.

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Yep. That’s the game.


That headline summarizes basically the entire historical arc of western civilization.

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Dems need to get clips of Republicans talking about weed and going after it federally and campaign on that too. Dems need to label the GOP as the party of taking away rights, and the more they can put on the list the more groups they can turn out… They’re taking away your rights to abortion, gay marriage, contraception, weed, interracial marriage… Vote now or forever hold your peace.

Dems are about to ban all vapes as well as all menthol cigarettes


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