The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents


Lol Biden

Thank you working hard!

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Trying real hard to never win FL ever again!


Literally hours after the good headline on immigration.

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Well played, Biden.

My suspicion is that the number of Haitians trying to cross the border during the Biden administration might be more than the three previous administrations put together.

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I think we took in a lot of refugees after the earthquake there last year, it’s possible they were only allowed to stay for a year or something and a bunch tried to overstay.

From what I have read, a lot of these refugees left Haiti after the 2010 earthquake. The Biden administration did give over 100k Haitians temporary protected status if they were in the US by mid-2021. It sounds like most of the people on these repatriation flights are people who arrived since then who Mexico won’t take back.

The master key to this line would be to brand the GOP as big government socialists. That Cuban vote would deliver Florida, and you probably peel off enough low-info independents in Ohio to rack them up as well.

Democrats need to dispense with the fiction that honesty matters. Gotta give the people what they want.

That’s a great idea. “Socialist? You’re the real socialist!” would be a great attack ad theme. You’d use a third party group, and you’d just be trying to peel a few percent off by both sidesing the socialism attacks.

Drawback is it’s agreeing that all socialism is bad, but that’s basically already the case. Might as well rebrand it all under a new label.



More word salad than Trump. But without the gross inverted car crash charisma.

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But it’s not true that Trump did nothing re: building a wall. He actually tried. He failed miserably, but he tried and broadcast it to all his supporters and they loved him for it. Trying and failing at something your supporters want you to do and that you e told them SHOULD be done is way better than telling your supporters something is a huge problem and should be done about it and here’s the solution then not even attempting to what you’ve said is the solution to this serious problem that your supporters care about, which is basically what Biden is doing on a lot of things right now. Second worst is what he’s doing with immigration, which is doing it quietly behind the scenes, it’s weak tight.


Sure, but the reality is that they are mostly demanding action on non-solutions to imaginary problems. In that framework, nothing really matters in terms of policy effectiveness. The point is that if Obama tried and failed to deliver more health care coverage, he would be crucified for it because a) health care coverage is an actual problem in the real world that demands a solution and b) Dems and their actual and potential voters care about measurable reality and solving problems that affect them individually and society at large. Hell, Obama is criticized relentlessly and fairly for the imperfections of the ACA even though it did achieve significant good policy outcomes in terms of coverage.

Also with the expectation of actual policy effectiveness. Donnie Dumb Dumb ran on the idea of going to Washington and showing these stupid egghead idiots how to do things. When he blustered day after day about nonsense while tearing down the ability of the federal government to get anything done, that was a success story for his supporters. LOL STUPID NERD FEDERAL WORKERS HE MAKING THEM MAD I LIKE HOW HE SAYS WHAT WE’RE ALL THINKING!

Well she’s got a camera on her all the time now and people angry at eDems are gonna pick and choose the low points. Without the real and justifiable anger at eDems no one would care. But it’s particularly jarring to have a weekly mass shooting, no meaningful action on responsible gun legislation from the party with control of Congress and the White House, and then have one of their spokespeople show up at the scene of the recent mass shooting telling citizens to take this stuff seriously. Maybe the people with access to political power should take it seriously? Nope, guess not, gotta fundraise, sorry, watch out for bullets folks they’re flying all over the place these days.

Hearing a lot of chatter penetrating the mainstream re: Britney Griner’s people castigating Joe Biden for not getting her out of Russia. Even saying ridiculous stuff like they don’t care about her and are letting her rot because she is a gay, black woman.

How is this different than if one of those LIV douchebags went to Saudi Arabia and got fucked with by the Saudis?

She was in Russia trying to get that bag while the Biden administration had been announcing for months that Russia was about to invade Ukraine and slaughter people, which they are now doing every single day. Morally, she is the sleazy one in this situation, not Biden.


At this point anything that gets Biden off the ticket in 2024 is a positive. Absolutely nothing is getting done between now and then anyway.