The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Nice to see which posters here would instantly turn over Jews or Slaves to the government because IT’S THE LAW.

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I’m quite confident that Dems doing anything legal or not to fight for abortion rights will do more to increase turnout of their base than it will to galvanize the GOP. Forcing 10 year olds to have babies is not actually a winning issue.

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They were no angels, IMO.

Hey I agree this is bad but let’s not break any norms the way these Nazis are doing


Yeah I mean has anyone asked yet what the 10 year old was wearing? Let’s get to the bottom of this.


Federal govt hires plenty of non-union contractors to work in federal buildings, what are we even talking about here.

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I don’t know, ask @j8i3h289dn3x7

What started as a plithy response about someone having not worked in government not understanding how everything you try to do in government is impossible because of bureaucracy turned into a discussion of some of the reasons why that is? I wasn’t intimating that it’s impossible, just that it’s not particularly simple.

Who hasn’t worked in government, now?

President LBJ would already have field abortion clinics set up on every military base in this country, these eDems just don’t actually fucking care at all.


Abortion is one of those weird issues though where you care about it in the abstract, but you don’t really care about it until it directly effects you or someone you love, and that happens very suddenly. Like this should make a difference in the midterms (especially at the state level in swing states), but it won’t.

Edit: Honestly, its pretty similar to gun control in that way.

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Yeah, this. Although I’d probably replace ‘don’t fucking care at all’ with ‘don’t fucking care enough’.

So, onto another topic, do we really think Biden is fucking stupid enough to let student loans restart at the same time as early voting for the midterms?

  • Yes
  • No
  • :coolbiden:

0 voters

Yeah, this is definitely true. I personally care, but on an individual level I know that if a family member needed one, we could get it no sweat. So that kind of caps the amount of caring possible, since there is no personal jeopardy attached. It’s selfish and I realize it and I think I care as much as I am capable. But if I were poor and in a red state and a woman of child-bearing age would I care even more? Probably.

They care to the extent they can use it to help re-elect incumbent eDems.

EDIT: Even Biden isn’t dumb enough to restart student loans now, but he will do zero to reform loans and then Dems will do nothing when the next Republican president does restart payments buoyed by the confidence of the backing of state legislatures in future elections.

Honestly hoping he does restart loan payments just to make sure the message of how useless the current party is spreads to every corner of the country.

Well, that’s a kind of caring.

Phew, I feel a lot better seeing that Riverman voted yes.

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I just went over my student loan stuff. I owe a shit ton. I do income based repayment and that was my plan anyways.

I was very happy to see that I don’t need to update my income until April 2023 because of the pandemic. Saves me a lot per month until I have to update


Don’t like 3 people under the age of 60 vote in midterms? I assume the young people who vote are mostly politics-brained enough to go Vote Blue No Matter Who anyway.