The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents


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Precisely correct.

Democratic voters don’t have the same predilection for telling norms to fuck off as the skinny tiny sliver of accelerationists and acceleration-curious posters here that are really angry Biden won’t just break the law.

Haven’t since Roe was overturned. Thought it was obvious in context, but should have specified for the slappies among us. Instead they went on vacation. Abortion rights really aren’t a high priority for Democrats.

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Post Dobbs-leak, too.

Vote was after the leak though, so I’m not sure another vote would do anything.

This is very clear. They aren’t a high priority for voters either.

Yeah we better not protect the right to choose or maybe we’ll…lose control of the government? Same argument I’ve heard on here about not protecting trans rights.

Cause playing it safe is working out so well.

People still fearful of GOP voters turning out more harder w extra maga intensity because of “something something” that some right-wingers might not like.
Don’t worry, they’re turning out already with 100%% full force! Always! You ain’t getting a negative change by pissing off rwnjs with policy. They’re already voting 100% w no change.
But you might inspire your side by actually showing some balls.

Vote on it every day during what should have been recess. Hold hearings and debate on Federal solutions. Take AOCs advice and lay out specific positions for each Senator so the party can say “hey see we have X votes for Y and need to win Z elections this fall to achieve X”. But nah, they went on vacation. Gutless and useless fucking shills.

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Who said we shouldn’t?

The message from Dems is clearly we are going to win suburban swing voters, progressives are not needed this fall. I am choosing to hear their message.

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To be clear, I’m talking about the pros and cons of doing this weird angleshoot as compared to actually going all out to pass legislation that expressly legalizes abortion, which is clearly the better play. I’m not advocating doing nothing.

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Why not both…

You sir, have clearly never worked for a government agency with union rules.

The workers would all be planned parenthood. They’re just being allowed the use of the space.

Nah, assuming the abortion providers all became federal employees, the state wouldn’t have jurisdiction to prosecute. I mean, lol law and the Supreme Court so i guess I cant say anything like that super confidently anymore.

Yeah, the White House also indicated that prosecution was likely even though there appears to be a jurisdictional bar :man_shrugging:

And who is responsible for securing that space? Are they union employees? What about the maintenance? Also union employees. Maybe that space is supposed to use union secretaries for any office work. Maybe that space is supposed to use union nurses for any medical work.

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Well, let me know when you’ve learned the answers to these things. Like I said, I spent about 10s cooking this up. Someone more knowledgeable could figure out the details, I think.

As far as security (I assume you mean against protestors and other crazies), I’m sure the commander and chief can order up some for the times when it’s needed.

The issue is that union contracts mean that you generally can’t use non union labor in places where there traditionally would be union labor. It’s not as simple as just “using the space.”

I agree that could be a problem. Sounds like neither of us knows which VA employees are union and what the union contract stipulates.

I’m pretty sure (but not 100% sure) that VA docs aren’t union and they work there. So at least having a non-union doc “work” at a VA hospital is possible. A doc on their own could probably provide some smaller number of abortions.