The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Unfortunately the only thing that matters is what 6 boomers that base their opinions on what a mythical space being that controls their lives thinks, so it’s a no.


Sure, but it’s at least trying. Also it’s good politics.

And how is it determined that the mother’s life is in danger or not?

Doctors make decisions about whether a patient is stable enough to discharge all the time.

I think all the ban states already have exemptions if the mother’s life is in danger.

I mostly agree with you, but this is what a lawbro told me about the more hair brained scheme to open clinics in VA hospitals:

As always, when Biden does something it’s dumb and when he doesn’t do something it’s an outrage.

I think the problem is that none of them clearly define what constitutes danger to the mothers life. So no one is willing to perform abortions in these scenarios unless the mother already has one foot in the grave. Not that an executive order is going to change anything.

Yes, that is a problem.

And seeing your edit, yeah, Biden didn’t change anything.

There is probably nothing that Biden can do that will increase the number of legal abortions performed over the next two years. He seems unwilling to go for big symbolic gestures that don’t accomplish anything because he seems committed to being the anti-Trump and won’t do anything that can be perceived as being an attention whore.

How about this:

Patient: I’m depressed and I’m going to kill myself

Doc: Tell me what’s wrong

Patient: Well, I got pregnant. Since I can’t have an abortion, I am going to be forced to have it. The thought of that is just too much for me. I’d rather die.

Doc: So, what your’re telling me is that you want to kill yourself because you’re pregnant

Patient: Yes

Doc: But if you weren’t pregnant, you wouldn’t want to kill yourself.

Patient: Defnitely

Doc: Sounds like this pregnancy is putting the mother’s life at risk. I think we need to perform an abortion. Fortunately, it is legal in such cases.

Obviously, this ends up in court anyway, and as mentioned above almost no docs are going to want to put themselves in that kind of jeopardy, but all you need is one pro-choice juror, right?

Also, in case it’s not obvious, above is not exactly a serious suggestion.

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This patient can’t consent to a procedure like abortion because they’re suicidal. Or at least, it’s a gray to black area.

Also, don’t think it would qualify.

That’s different.

All the abortion providers I’ve seen publicly posting online about this kind of thing in red states are involving legal and waiting for unstable vital signs or laboratory confirmation of blood loss.

This approach will kill people.

That’d probably just get them thrown in the shiny new state mental hosptial these states will be opening. And then she’d be heavily medicated and be forced to have a baby.

Let’s say that fortunately, they had the presence of mind to assign their spouse a durable power of attorney for health decisions when they are not competent.

Doc: Spouse, it appears to me that this pregnancy is endangering the patient’s life. I recommend abortion. I need your consent to do the procedure

Spouse: I consent.

On a related note, I’m really hoping that someone really puts this “mother’s life at risk to the test”.

If we take a look something like cops shooting innocent civilians, they always say “I feared for my life” and they get away with that no matter how remote the possibility of death actually is. Women who want abortions should just take that line. Pair that with some good 'ol jury nullification, and I think convictions will be tough to actually get.

This is all theoretically interesting but in actuality no doctor is going to be willing to take this risk.

This definitely sounds like one of the ways wealthy white women were able to, and will continue to be able to, get abortions where it was illegal.

Women would have to be crazy to give birth, but they are only sane if they do so. So, you can get an abortion if you are sane, but you have to give birth to prove it.

Agreed. I did state pretty much exactly that:

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Sounds like the floating witch problem to me.

Oh wait…