The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

you get a decent discounts on buying four, and if you only need two, some tires make sense to sell on craigslist (mostly some type of sports car).


Very new. I think Big Tireā€™s replacement for ā€œreplace them in pairsā€ is now ā€œsorry this very fancy tire is not repairable if you get a nail in itā€.



All this financial dirt on Thomas is great, but they should really see if they can find some sex stuff since he got on the court to drag out in public. It doesnā€™t even have to be anything illegal, just embarrassing. That might move the needle more.

I have an AWD crossover and when I blew a tire, I was told I had to replace all 4 or it messes with the drivetrain.

Maybe Iā€™m not remembering it correctly, but I though the problem was that she had basically zero experience. I realize that these days thatā€™s a feature instead of a bug, but it wouldnā€™t be that much different from nominating you to the Supreme Court.

Not sure if srs? The most liberal president of all time Joey B already sorted those out for him.

Are we sure she didnā€™t just get ripped off?

$1200 is not a lot for high end tires. Might be high end on a non performance car but performance tiresā€¦. Plus you buy the original tires for a high end vehicle they get costly fast.


Like a pubic hair on a Coke can?

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The tires cost $1,200 because rich people get scammed silly all the time.

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Today I learned a bunch of unstuck posters are driving around on cheap tires.


Has that happened since he got on SCOTUS?

No mention of Ginni, of course,ā€ so the purpose was ā€œSupplement for Constitution Polling and Opinion Consulting.ā€

I keep reading that supplements donā€™t really do anything. Must be true.


i would assume every justice has a book deal if not more than one book deal.

all book deals for politicians/public figures are scams. the ones for politicians are just blatant money laundering.

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I donā€™t know. Too lazy to find a generous billionaire friend imo.

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My dad, grandfather, and father in law all spent nearly their entire lives working in auto engineering. They all say to spend money on tires.

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