The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Yeah, I don’t think the renowned smoothly running and not politically sensitive VA system is the droid you’re looking for here.

Not sure what other federal hospital apparatus is even in place to accommodate abortion units. Seems like these practical barriers were well understood and settled by the chapos.

Well, the point is that Biden is supposed to be going scorched Earth. Anyone who doesn’t like it can fuck off. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have it in him to actually do this. That seems like the real problem. I haven’t heard the chapo stuff there may well be other issues that aren’t immediately coming to mind.

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I think the point is the VA system is stretched to and past the brittle old bones it’s supposed to cover, and it’s principal focus needs to be on ya know helping out the veterans who suffer as a result of sacrificing physically and mentally to ostensibly keep us safe.

There should be minimal burden to the VA system in this plan that I’ve spent literally 10s thinking about (so there could be some holes). They can just run the PP clinics in outpatient areas after hours when no one is using the space. So abortion time is 8PM to 4AM or whatever.

PP is providing the staff and supplies (which they presumably already have). They don’t have to pay rent. They are using space at a time that it is unused.

Yeah, there are some logistical problems here (getting people to work weird hours, moving shit, etc.), but effect on the VA should be minimal, especially if someone spends more than 10s putting together an actual plan.

Could be. I was expecting Chapo to be on board with creative solutions to providing abortions but they seemed pretty dismissive of it, but maybe they haven’t thought through it clearly. Or perhaps your ten seconds of thought plan might be more logistically challenging after more consideration.

The hole in the plan is the staff would be subject to arrest when they went home.

Ah, someone has thought about this for longer than Melkerson and me.

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Well, maybe, but not based on this. I posted this exact problem in the SC thread maybe a week ago or more. I’ll see if I can find it. At that time when I brought it up someone suggested it couldn’t happen for some reason.

EDIT: Found it. Here are the relevant posts:

Ah well that doesn’t seem like something the GOP would abuse if a precedent were set to evade the law through jurisdictional manipulation. Sounds like something that is definitely viable and not simply a fever dream fantasy.

Maybe. Is that you or Chapo talking?

The entire plan is “to evade the law through jurisdictional manipulation”.

Chapo didn’t give the subject much time, presumably because doing so would have been a waste.

As for me, I’m not inclined to fashion legal fictions to evade state criminal law, as should be obvious to me, you, Chapos, and the rest. Passing a federal right to abortion is, unfortunately, the only reasonable way through the mountain here.

To this edit: yes, that is a really bad idea.

Like, once Grover Norquist is appointed head of De Santis’ Treasury he will create federal tax havens in every gated community of some minimum median housing price.

Well, this is a bit different argument from where we started (i.e. lack of staffing and infrastructure). If you object on these grounds, then those considerations are irrelevant. The clinics could already be built with staff ready to work and you would still worry about above because:

Yeah, I mean either way (logistics and practical legality) appear to be clear bars. The discussion started with the former (as Chapo, who presumably knows this a lot better than us who haven’t put much thought into it, ruled it out swiftly), as kind of a thought exercise, but really the latter is dispositive.

Seems like those same pesky prosecutors are likely to get involved:

red-state prosecutors will find ways to prosecute the people involved in abortions on federal lands in their jurisdictions. “In states where abortion is now illegal, women and providers who are not federal employees, as you look at the federal land, could potentially be prosecuted,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said this week. “There’s actually dangerous ramifications to doing this.”

I guess the point I was trying to make is that I’m absolutely not sold on the logistics being an insurmountable problem. As far as the legal feasibility, I’ve been skeptical of that from the start (if you look back at the whole discussion from last week, a part of which I linked to, you’ll see that’s the case) and I’m just deferring to the unstuck lawbros who opine on the topic.

There is no point in even discussing logistics if that issue can’t be adequately addressed.


The point of doing something like that (and I don’t necessarily mean abortion on federal lands in particular, but something out of the dirty tricks and loopholes department) wouldn’t necessarily be to have it work very well, it would be to demonstrate to the conservative movement that they can expect pushback on stuff like this and to try to galvanize a political movement against it. It would demonstrate that the Dems actually care. But the problem is, of course, that they largely don’t. Joe is a fucking Catholic, whatever he says he believes about this issue now, he is hardly going to go to the mat over it.


Very critical to elect Dems so they can tell us exactly why Dems being in charge does
shit to make everything better I guess. Then this new jack off has the balls to tell posters to play in traffic.

Every time I read these threads I become more convinced to never vote in a Federal election again.


Do the federal land thing and reserve it for underage victims of sexual assault.