The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

My point was that people in this thread care more about shit like their $10k and not about the Biden Admin kidnapping innocent people and torturing them and you immediately proved my point.

I don’t really care about student loans and you think I was criticizing Biden’s student loan repayment whatever it is because you didn’t read my post or couldn’t understand my point. Before you respond about your tax savings, I don’t care about the “triple bypass carried credit passthough tax” either.


ok cool then your whole point is a strawman then

lol sure.

What man is made of straw there? I was being sarcastic. You didn’t even get to the “triple bypass” part which made it all obvious before you responded. You couldn’t even make it through one sentence. You just thought about your $10k and posted your reply.

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I mean…“in addition to failing to act on student loans…he’s a Nazi”. You don’t get that? Just admit that you didn’t read it instead of standing by not being able to understand it.

Or is it that you just think those issues are similar? Hey, he may be a Nazi, but look at the balance sheet, he’s also deferred payment on student loans. Let’s be fair.

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I’m fine with Biden only doing some mild stuff around the margins on immigration until Congress addresses the matter in full. I don’t expect him to micro-manage ICE. This should probably not be in his top ten priorities.

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Yeah, Biden is directly responsible for probably a 40k swing in my finances due to actually counting PSLF payments that Trumps DOE would not count, because I, like everyone else, did not understand the difference between an FFL loan and whatever the loans are called now, even though the payments were exactly the same. He’s cancelled a fucking lot of student loan debt so far, including to very low income individuals for whom that was life-changing.

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No, he’s not.

I’m not ok with innocent people being kidnapped and tortured. I don’t know that I can do anything about it, but I’m definitely not falling in love with the kidnapper because he gave me $40k.

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micro it’s a totally reasonable interpretation to think that you said he didn’t do anything about student loans. You actually thinking that would be totally consistent with your general point of view. Saying I didn’t read it or can’t understand the greatness of what you wrote is just obnoxious.

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Ah, yes. I believe Joe Biden is not a nazi, and made some positive contributions on student loans, so I am “in love with him.” Got it.

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Not really. I don’t really give a shit about student loans and how much money he’s saving doctors and lawyers in this thread and have never said anything that would indicate I did. I’ve posted a lot in this thread and almost exclusively about war and immigration. You just skimmed stuff and classified it as Biden Derangement Syndrome.

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micro is here to fight apparently

like look at this shit. Not said at all by anyone.

Fight with someone else micro.

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Sorry, the 10000th post about student loans by a bunch of people who borrowed a lot of money and got rich and don’t want to pay it back and praise the administration that is still doing heinous shit to people gets me mad.


If you used some reading comprehension you would actually see that we were criticizing the administration, not praising it. Caffeine is right, you are just here to fight.

I think that the majority of people in the world should be allowed to get a US Green Card (or equivalent) with minimal legal hurdles.

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

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Nonono, the comment about student loans was sarcastic and he didn’t mean it!

Biden has actually done quite a bit for student loans. We all wish he’d do a bit more, but micro is apparently here to stir up shit because of something he’s got going on.

I wouldn’t say it is Biden Derangement Syndrome. It’s a pretty normal tactic in arguing about to politics to minimize the issues that are not your priorities to put the spotlight on issues that are your priorities.

That being said, the way you phrased it made it highly likely that people were going to argue over something other than your main point.

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They’re both here to fight.

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Nobody wants to argue about immigration detention centers and you’re the only person who will actually say that you don’t think it should be a priority.

That is a minor point that I thought might be thrown back at me. Yes, you were being critical. But, you sure love the $40k that you borrowed and are hoping not to pay back!

And I made it pretty clear that I was here to fight. It was really obvious that I was here to fight. That’s not some genius observation. Sure, CN didn’t get that I was obviously criticizing the obsession with student loans and tax policy itt, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t obvious. Congratulations, you learned something in law school. And it paid off financially. You should pay back that $40k.

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