LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

“nice things would be nice but some nice things are not possible therefore we should just assume all nice things are not possible”


Sounds reasonable. If it’s a matter of priority, I’d put it behind health care, but it’s reasonable.

It’s funny that someone like simplicitus always says I’m living in some fantasy world when it seems to be completely standard here to reject the idea that there can be any limit or prioritization.

I don’t think people really understand my politics. Suggesting that rich people hog resources, that land belongs to everyone, that there shouldn’t be war, that there shouldn’t be police or prison and other similar things are indeed radical and leftist, but leftist and radical do not just mean super-liberal.


Basing your personal constitution on what the worst people in the history of this country did gives you an excuse to do anything you want. It’s kind of like Edems excusing their own behavior for simply being slightly less shitty than republicans.

How many times has means testing been condemned itf? The same forum where frivolous purchases are discussed quite often. 5K dinners would be a great example.

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How can you not see how insulting it is to type this? Nice to know you don’t think one of the most consistent, progressive, respectful posters here isn’t Tucker Carlson.



I mean he admitted he was showing up ITT looking for a fight, didn’t he? So it’s clearly not gaslighting. You can argue over the exact wording I used, I suppose. Point is his priority ITT the last 24 hours or whatever was fighting jman and CN, not making principled and logical arguments.

Edit: OK, Biden thread two days ago:

Point remains. Microbet is primarily here to fight this week.

I haven’t been following closely, but it seems like people are discussing Biden’s policies/proposals

Another one of the people who make $300k+/year (this year more like $800k right?) are here to scold me.

I’m going to support those policies…


There. I supported them really hard. Soon I’ll get to vote and vote hard.


Pretty sure this has lead to pretty much all the good posting and real discussion that’s happened in this thread for a long time. You can go back to posting people’s twitter feeds and reactions with Vince memes though.


Be careful there, don’t pull your arm out of the socket patting yourself on the back for coming in here lobbing grenades and stirring shit up… Could be an expensive ER trip in USA#1!

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nah it sucked

Weird for you to say since you did participate in the good discussion that happened. Like CW, but very unlike gfy, you aren’t completely dedicated to the game and will talk like a normal person.

Debt relief for the middle class is a fine idea. But there are plenty of other things that are also fine ideas, many of which should be a higher priority. But we don’t need to pit people with student loans and six figure incomes against people with no health care, or insecure food and housing situations, or living in poverty with payday loan debt. They all share a common enemy: capitalism.

And these groups should join together to fight capitalism, rather than fighting amongst themselves for whatever scraps the capitalist system is willing to dole out.


I’m just trying to say some of the attacks against micro ITT have been out of line. Everybody’s bent out of shape and it isn’t even Friday.

I stand corrected.

Just got a good chuckle out of “attack dog” being applied to micro.

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I made a point that I think is fair, and while not overtly aggressive, was not friendly. I don’t deny “came to argue”, but “attack dog” is silly. I wasn’t primarily motivated by trolling and, obviously, the responses were idiotic and out of line.

Appreciate the thoughts from you and Funcrusher and, while sometimes my jimmies do get rustled, they aren’t in this case. If I’m rustled I usually just tell people to fuck off or keep my name out of their mouth.

I agree 100%. Just leaving this here for fun. The money exists.

“WASHINGTON, July 14 (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill on Thursday paving the way for the defense budget to exceed $800 billion next year, authorizing $37 billion in spending on top of the record $773 billion proposed by President Joe Biden.”

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USA also spends about $200B on police and prisons. DHS spends about $200B/year, some of which overlaps on that other $200B.

Good luck getting any of this or the war budget cut though.

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We gotta start messaging these defense bills as $8 trillion spending bills. I doubt it will cause any cuts to happen but it will make the spending bills we want to do more palatable in the minds of the public.