The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

You also don’t understand MaxCut’s post.

Sounds like this Biden guy really sucks.

Do you approve of the way Joe Biden has handled his presidency so far?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

You’re right, he’s not! He’s also much better than Trump, including on immigration issues, while still being terrible.

You are now trying to make a point and give people an easy way to say they don’t approve of whatever Biden might be doing that they aren’t supposed to approve of. It’s a tactic. You’re trying to give an easy out. But, that being obvious, and me posting about it here now, CN is probably still going to vote yes - at least not vote no. (Prolly won’t read this far in this post anyway)

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The only one voting yes in that poll is maybe Iron81.

I think we are faced with an existential crisis about the survival and salvageability of American democracy. I go back on forth in my mind on whether it is worth saving, but if it is a fight worth having, then immigration detention centers just have to take a back seat to all sorts of other issues that have a greater salience in electoral politics. The people who don’t want to argue about immigration detention centers in this thread are evidence that not enough people care about your priorities. Maybe they shouldn’t be as obsessed with student loans as they are, but that is the political hand we are dealt.

One reason that people talk about student loans is that they think it is a killer policy that can sway young people and tilt an election. If you wanted to people to talk more about immigration, you’d have to use this sort of info:

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Iron unapologetically supports Biden and I don’t think it’s because he’s selfish or a bad person, he just thinks that’s realistic or something. More power to him. He should be appreciated on this site as a pretty rare person here, but a bog standard point of view in the rest of the world.

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I’m not writing press releases for the President. I’m making posts on an internet forum that maybe 5 people are going to read. I’m not worried about the electoral impact of what I say here. People should be more concerned about the people in the US in either detention camps or other prisons. It’s insane and the only cases in history that are comparable are places like Nazi Germany, North Korea, China, Stalinist Russia. It’s millions of people. So, I’ll say that here. I’ll get mad when people talk about Stalin’s tax policy for a month straight. You can get a meeting with Jennifer Dillon and talk about those charts.

Maybe he should quietly and heroically start letting innocent people out of private prisons if that’s what it takes to not be heinous and campaign for votes from heinous people.


I’m for like tripling immigration, but if we gave all comers at the border green cards I could see like 10M a year incoming migration as possible. That would have some crazy effects.

How about we make buffalo, Detroit, etc free immigration cities until they reach their former max population and designate like 20 non coastal cities as special immigration zones. We need more people in central US.

He doesn’t even argue for the issues that are his priorities. Like is he complaining about murdering al alawaki? Dude’s read too much Chomsky.

So people should be allowed to immigrate to some cities, become legal US residents, even citizens, but not be allowed to freely move within the United States? What a suggestion!

I think he’s pretty clear in saying that he thinks certain things are more important. He’s not on here all the time arguing, but he’s pretty consistent about what he chooses to argue about when he’s on here. Your criticism of him seems like a solid example of the no true Scotsman fallacy because you think that someone who truly had his priorities would argue differently.

Alwaki? The US citizen who was killed in a drone strike in a country we supposedly weren’t at war with?

how bout you keep my name out of your mouth and work out your issues on someone else? thanks.

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I am probably uninformed so flame away but…

As far as student loan forgiveness being a political motivator for young voters, what happens when we forgive everyones debt, without reforming the system.

What do we tell young people going into debt for first time the year after forgivness and so forth?

Seems like it could create some backlash?

Maybe i just miss alll the conversations about reforming the system, but it seems doing both at the same time would be GTO?

I do keep your name out of my mouth. I promised that to Wookie and Trolly when they were absolutely certain that you weren’t you and when BS was running around saying accusing you of being you was like calling someone a Nazi.

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Think of it as similar to giving doctors a national interest waiver for a green card if they agree to work in an underserved area (for a set period of time, not a lifetime). Rebuild American cities by bringing immigrants who agree to live and work there for a sufficient period. They can travel and go on vacation, but their primary economic contributions have to be tied to one of those cities.

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Thinking about step 2 or practicality in general is anti leftist. Just proclaim the goal and the magical peasants will make it happen.


This thread right now: