The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

The doctors are given loans and they are forgiven if they do service. If not, they pay back the loans. What will you do with these people if they don’t stay in Cleveland? Deport them? The serious plan by the man who thinks other people believe in magical peasants is some sort of second class citizenship where people will be deported if they move around inside the country?



The problem is that people are leaving those cities for a reason. There is no economic opportunity. What exactly are you going to have all these new immigrants doing? What jobs are they filling in Detroit? We should be directing immigrants to where they are needed, places where the job openings greatly outnumber the labor pool. That’s win win for both the new immigrants and the city they are coming to.

Student loan stuff is actually quite a complex issue for a lot of rasons, you get into some of them. Total forgiveness isn’t on the table right now though, so a lot of it isn’t applicable. The most generous plan floated right now is the means tested 10k one time forgiveness.

Politically, there might be backlash from certain people. The previously posted “who borrowed a lot of money and got rich and don’t want to pay it back” will come from some quarters. Most importantly though is that it would be really fucking stupid to piss off a younger democratic leaning base right before the midterms by taking away the forbearance without some sort of forgiveness, regardless of what you think of it as a policy.

Yes, this is absolutely the talking point being parroted by Fox News, Republicans, Tucker Carlson, and apparently Microbet. This is how any loan forgiveness will be attacked. I do think an indefinite pause is the best solution, as it is backdoor free college for everyone, and it also helps new students, not just the olds who already have loans.

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I’m talking to you personally. You should pay back your loans regardless of policy if you can afford it. You borrowed the money. You should pay it back. They were low interest loans on very good terms that you agreed to pay back.

Loan forgiveness generally is a different issue. For one, there are lots of people who can not pay back the loans. For another, means testing stigmatizes things and is an added cost. But neither of those things means that you shouldn’t pay back the money you borrowed.


Or maybe now is the time to piss off the younger demo as we are due to get crushed anyways.

Is the for profit torture the pineapples or the bananas?

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It’s at least an interesting enough idea to talk about, regardless of the source.

Give workers a conditional green card that won’t be renewed if they don’t stay where they are supposed to, while closing off the pathway to citizenship. They give conditional green cards to immigrants marrying citizens and you’re kind of marrying the immigrant to a new city.

Most green cards are valid for ten years. If those people don’t stay in Cleveland, do whatever you normally do to people whose green cards expire.

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And immigrants will just tend to go where the jobs are. The totalitarian idea of telling people where they have to go is not only totalitarian, it’s bad economics. Centrally planned economies are inefficient.


Oh my god. Devastating. I did a talking point.

You ok?

Are you suggesting something about my…mental health?

Yes, I’m fine, thanks.


I’m going to hire those new immigrants to teach CRT in middle schools.

I don’t know, New Deal type shit to raze and rebuild cities from the ground up that’s more eco-friendly or whatever?

Alright. I’m going to punish you by depriving you of my posts for a little while.


might as well do it in mid november if you’re going to do it.

They’re like 6.5% and stick around even if I declare bankruptcy. Awesome terms really.


Do you consider repayment of debt to be an ethical issue?

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