The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

The thing I don’t get about the argument is what are people who wanted a professional degree but weren’t born rich supposed to do? Yeah, they borrowed money to go to school. The other option was to not go. I don’t understand why repayment becomes some important ethical obligation under those circumstances.


seems most would agree biden’s awful

feels a bit masturbatory to argue about how awful precisely, but not much else going on other than watching the world burn i guess

Less money for ICE if you don’t pay the government back your loans.


Here at the Hawthorne Safeway in Portland, Satan is literally more popular that Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, but chicken wings are still six bucks a pound and here’s why that spells doom for Joe Biden

Just what is it that you are assuming about my comment on the goings-on in this thread?

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I’m pretty sure it’s that you love nazis, or something.

I mean, you compared the differences in the thread with people having preferences for different fruit. Which like, kind of minimizes what micro was pointing out.

So you assumed that I was only referring to micro’s posting. Gotcha.

No I figured everybody had their own fruit. And since the micro thing was dominating the conversation it’s not a stretch to assume he had a fruit too. If you want to say that wasn’t part of what you were talking about, I’m going to tell you that I don’t believe you.

I know a guy that saw broiled grapefruit as a breakfast menu option and then chose it. astonishing. $17.


Hopefully broiling it kills some of the flavor.


LOL, the point isn’t fruit, my dude. I know I don’t actually have to explain the real point to you.

No way, really? And BTW I’m not your dude. How would you like it if I started calling you sweetie or babe?

Better that than people assuming my motives, which of course happens more often than not on this forum.

By all means, let’s end this derail and let everyone continue to argue past each other.

Because being called “my dude” is totally the same thing as calling someone “sweetie” or “babe!”

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Assuming motives, like when you said my likely motive for not voting was because I wanted to actively oppress people like you? But anyway, deal. I’ll move on.

Ok sweetie.


This is just another proxy fight and has nothing to do with the Biden administration’s immigration policy (which is abysmal) or student loans (they should be canceled, raise taxes on rich people if you think they’re getting too much of a good deal on this), right?

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I tried to post a faileddunk.gif but I was unsuccessful. Disregard, my babes.

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