The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents


Weird. I can’t figure out why it’s not working either.

Lol. “Next week or so.” It’s august 31st in 10 days you dipshit.



It’s just a classic example of it being very hard to segment a government’s performance by policy. Some people will be happy to discuss, and compliment, individual areas of performance while others can’t/won’t given the overall picture. And the latter isn’t some personality flaw/argumentative captain-ism (in my humble opinion).

Yes we’ve already covered how I’m practically oppressing her.

I still can’t get used to women (both gay and straight) calling each other “Dude.”

Guy just gave you free helpful advice and a day later it’s “keep my name out your mouth.”

What in the actual fuck?

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This kind of post needs a warning label so I can prepare my superior oblique for the workout it induces

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Reading the last hundred posts really solidifies how good of a life decision it was to not give a fuck about this shit anymore. It also solidifies how bad of a life decision reading the last 100 posts was.


You lecturing anyone on “obnoxious posting” is amazing.


Not that you’re suggesting otherwise, but neither he nor anyone else should feel shy about asking me for solar advice.

I don’t suppose there is an amount of shit someone could give you on here before you change your policy.

It’s theoretically possible, but unlikely to actually happen. And a little solar advice is nbd and I want people to get solar and be happy with it, not get ripped off and stuff. Plus, helping people is like a duty for anarchists. As Kropotkin said:

Practicing mutual aid is the surest means for giving each other and to all the greatest safety, the best guarantee of existence and progress, bodily, intellectual and moral.


I agree. Getting involved in the minutiae of politics is choosing to be unhappy.

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I’m a NY Rangers fan. Choices guaranteeing unhappiness are my specialty.


This is so marginal. Those in major debt this is not much immediate relief. Those with low debt probably are handling it ok already.

What I’m trying to say, if it’s going to be limited and means tested, then it should be targeted to the greatest need.

Income and debt to income ratio would seem to be major factors. I’d rather have someone get 30,000 in debt relief vs 3 people each getting 10,000 of 2 out of 3 are doing ok already and the third is buried.


It is best thought about through the lens of Biden trying to check a box for “Dems deliver” on what he considers a lower priority issue rather than as any sort of substantive attempt to solve fundamental issues with student loans. Setting the means test tighter would touch fewer voters.

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Hopefully some of the latter people you are talking about with more people debt will fall under the nebulous “additional relief” populations.

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Lmao at giving green cards away. Maybe we should just start giving diamond necklaces and purple Lambos away too while we let everyone deep in makeup welch on their debts. That’s why asparagus is $12.

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