The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Elected prosecutors in large municipalities usually aren’t trying cases. They’re bureaucrats.

No way. If Dark Brandon runs again it’s going to be on a platform of “you like how things have been going the last four years, or do you want to go back to Trump? Remember how crazy that shit was? How about 4 more years of nothingness where you can watch football and not pay attention to politics.” He’s not changing jack shit.

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A+ to the low level staffer running the twitter account today.

I agree, it’s extremely unlikely, but keeping her on the ticket is a mistake. she brings very little to the ticket and is a big liability especially when the candidate is 82 years old and concerns about making it through a second term will absolutely be brought up during the campaign

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Who are you going to replace her with though? The Democrats are not going to replace an African-American woman with a white man so that leaves a very short list of vice-presidential material.

If Val Demmings can manage to raise 100 million and lose by 5+ points she’ll be qualified


I meant prior to that. Surely early in her career she had to do that. And my impression is that she was competent.

"You really think Democrats are dumb enough to pick a hyper conservative VP with an octogenarian atop the ticket?

“Oh, I think we’re exactly that dumb.”

[Cue the West Wing music]


So, umm…do I need to start paying my federal student loans again next week or no? Serious question as I have no idea. My loan servicer changed yet again for my federal loans, but no clear guidance has been given on payment restart.

It will be really interesting* if he just lets things restart with no further guidance two months before midterms

*see, horribly stupid

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I actually think payment providers restarting payments next week with no notice to borrowers violates some statute or other.

If Biden did cancel student loans it initially seems like that would make a good bogeyman for MAGA to blame basically everything on, but doesn’t loan cancellation poll rather well? I can tell there’s part of the GOP that wants to really let loose on this. If there is any cancellation the intensity level of MAGA rooting for inflation and gas price increases will be something to behold.

New bold strategy appears to just be “we don’t talk about student loans.” Servicers don’t bill you, we don’t say anythign, you don’t say anything, and everyone stay quiet.


He has such an easy fucking play here too: Until Congress passes something dealing with the student loan crisis, I will keep student loans paused. That’s it. Congress will never pass anything, and he gets to run again in 2 years on “the other guy is going to restart your loans.”


Yes, and they’re going to blame everything on Biden anyway so why not cancel them.


In addition to failing to act on student loans and doing something or other about the triple bypass carried credit passthrough tax thingy, Biden is still sending people who did nothing more than try to make a better lives for themselves to for-profit torture centers like a Nazi.


Similar to another great Democrat policy, don’t ask don’t tell.

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Micro come on. I’ve personally saved 10k+ in student loans. Lots of people have, basically anyone on an income based repayment plan has saved a lot because of biden. I get that you think that biden hasn’t done enough, but this is just wrong.


Oh, sorry, he has done something about student loans. Maybe he’s done wonders on rewriting the carried interest 1031 tax credit deferment as well. You really really didn’t get my point though.

micro i didn’t miss your point. You just said something wrong to support a pattern that you see.