The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

If they have filibuster proof majorities, I think Sinema and Manchin wouldn’t hold it up. It would depend on the newly elected members, but I think they would certainly feel more of a mandate than 50/50 split. I think it is not wise either way to assume with certainty what would happen as the political milieu would be so much different if they had those majorities.

Dems don’t want two of those things so zero chance they get implemented.

That’s painting with a pretty broad brush, and also making a claim based on a climate of 50-50 split and narrow House majority. In a world of 65%+ majorities I think they would be much less circumspect about advancing what they consistently claim to want.


Yes. (Well, at least until SCOTUS takes it away.)



Yes. (Assault weapons ban, unless SCOTUS blocks it.)

Yes, but more so on fiscal and economic issues and not social issues. They’re paid by corporations to make sure that corporations don’t lose any ground and are always gaining, but corporations mostly don’t care about abortion or guns, they care about taxes, regulation, healthcare (because of taxes and job mobility) and voting rights to the extent that they want to protect themselves on taxes, regulation, healthcare, etc.

Basically everything the eDems do makes sense through this lens. They need the Supreme Court to remain institutionally strong because it does the good hard work of shitting on workers’ rights, which is great for corporations. Hence they aren’t attacking its legitimacy.

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We’re talking about a fantasy world. What’s actually going to happen is Republicans are going to win fair and square and eliminate democracy.

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That is a likely outcome, but it’s not impossible that they manage to take their total and complete victory, their massive built-in advantage, and their extreme views and push the latter so far that they topple the first two.

If 0.68% of NC voters and 1.69% of Florida voters switch from R to D, that flips those states based on 2020’s results.

I don’t think abortion will do it, but abortion + gay marriage + birth control? Maybe. In Florida, DeSantis going after Disney could hurt the GOP in Orange and Osceola Counties. Like surely there are some Republican landlords who are going to pay higher taxes because of that stupidity with the Reedy Creek district, and that may be enough to change their votes.

Essentially they’re finding a lot of ways to fuck around, increasing the odds from zero to non-zero that they fuck up enough people’s actual day-to-day and month-to-month to find out.

It feels like they are invincible because they have been for a while now, but they’re giving it everything they’ve got in the fuck around department, so maybe?


@NoMatterWho Hey looks like you might have missed this post! Sorry to see that. Here’s another chance to introduce yourself! What made you hop onto our little tiny corner of the internet?


To be harassed, obviously.

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Not a great indroduction!


You’ll do well here, brand new poster!


It’s pretty cool that our little corner of the intertoobs is gaining new members!

ETA: @NoMatterWho , don’t forget to donate to support this site!


If only everyone was as kind as you, a new wing would break ground this weekend.

I assume “gun safety bill” is slang for “more money for chips”?

Mental health, hardening the schools, and closing the boyfriend loophole partially. Also a tiny expansion of already existing background checks on 18-21 year olds.

The bill sends money to states that implement Red Flag laws. One of those states will probably hire some cops. So yes, more money for cops. :roll_eyes:

In other news:

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Something is better than nothing but the absolute bare minimum is not much.

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Getting something on the books helps chip away and changes the status quo. When you have a 50/50 Senate you don’t get everything you want right away.