‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America


And next week Republicans will be like, “See? Guns don’t kill people, defective door locks do! Check your door locks every morning!”

Looks like they agreed to a framework for some new gun legislation. Besides closing the “boyfriend” loophole, you know it’s not gonna do shit when John Cornyn is taking a victory lap on it. Also, to no one’s surprise, 18 year olds are still going to be able to buy assault weapons.


Great self own.



Hey guys, we got nothing done, but here’s a bill that lets republicans pretend they did something.


Ted Cruz was right, too many doors!

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Can’t find it now, but yesterday I read somewhere that the classroom door had a misaligned striker plate and needed to be yanked shut to close properly. It’s pretty common for doors to get out of whack like that and many of us have one or two of those in our own houses.

My neighbor’s front door apparently had to be slammed multiple times to shut so I know about her comings and goings at all hours of the day and night. It took a year to get around to fixing it. It still gets slammed but thankfully only once.



For a second I thought this was real, as in selfies with a dead body.

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Was reading reddit and this question was posed:

What is the difference between:

A) what the police actually did
2) what the police would have done if they were trying to help the shooter

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I think the major issues were the catastrophic decision to treat it like a barricaded shooter. A lot of the problems stem from that.

The cops obviously weren’t actively helping the shooter. The did isolate him in the room, but bad policy and terrible training all flowed into a bad a worse outcome than what should have been

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Keeping other people from intervening helped the shooter.

Nothing at all

They helped the shooter kill more people


How is banning brass knuckles not a second amendment violation? I almost want someone to appeal this all the way to the SC as a troll.

I really think that if people started doing this in the rich white republican neighborhoods (or near their schools), you might actually get some gun control. Of course, if it was liberals doing this to prove a point, I’d bet the cops would find a way to prosecute.

FYP. Also Muslims.