The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Itā€™s pretty cool that our little corner of the intertoobs is gaining new members!

ETA: @NoMatterWho , donā€™t forget to donate to support this site!


If only everyone was as kind as you, a new wing would break ground this weekend.

I assume ā€œgun safety billā€ is slang for ā€œmore money for chipsā€?

Mental health, hardening the schools, and closing the boyfriend loophole partially. Also a tiny expansion of already existing background checks on 18-21 year olds.

The bill sends money to states that implement Red Flag laws. One of those states will probably hire some cops. So yes, more money for cops. :roll_eyes:

In other news:

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Something is better than nothing but the absolute bare minimum is not much.

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Getting something on the books helps chip away and changes the status quo. When you have a 50/50 Senate you donā€™t get everything you want right away.

What are we even getting? More money for cops and the minimum age is bumped to lol 21?

weā€™re not even getting that, 18 year olds can still buy AR-15s

lol, pretty sure this gun bill is a net negative.


Iron dunking on us because Dems passed the Republican gun safety bill with the addition of closing the boyfriend loophole (temporarily) is just chefs kiss.

No the only change for 18-21 year olds is some stuff got added to the background check database.

The bill doesnā€™t do anything but the crayzos on AR15 will consider it an Act of War and sign from God that the gunsnatchering is right around the corner. Bigly Summer 2022 Gun and Ammo Sales Event Extravaganza.

I see this was signed into law before all of the Uvalde victims were buried. The last one was today.

It also gives the Republicans cover to say they did something while actually accomplishing close to nothing. It lets the Republicans off the hook and gives them credibility on an issue they should have none. Definitely a net loser imo.


Iā€™m not sure I buy this line of thinking anymore. Itā€™s like the other thread where people are saying outing republicans who had abortions is a thing.

The problem with both is they assume shame and hypocrisy are political weapons still but if Trump did one thing he completely inoculated the right to both. They have zero force or effect.

Iā€™m not saying to our Republican abortions as a political attack. I think we should level personal attacks against them and make their personal non-political lives as hellish as possible. At this point, Iā€™m all for train-wrecking their families whenever possible.

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OK so whatā€™s the plan Joe?

Weā€™re going to kill themā€¦ with kindness!



I havenā€™t seen any more reporting on his in-flight comments, so maybe he added a plan? Generally itā€™s a good idea to detail what you ARE planning to do after saying what you wonā€™t do. But who am I kidding, it was probably, ā€œLook, the American people are resilient and tough, and we hear you. Weā€™ll stay in the fight, in the meantime vote hard.ā€