‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

It’s going to be a long hot summer. I hope his AC goes out.


One of the reasons why they care so little is because they know that the children are “with God now” or something. It takes all the sting out of it for them.

last part is directly ripped off from snow crash @nath

I mean you’d think that there would be more shootings at church if they were “with God”. Isn’t that where Christians want to be?

Lololol they aren’t going to pass anything who could have ever seen this coming. LOL negotiating in good faith with Republicans in 2022, these fucking idiots simply don’t get it.


Did they die with god or from god?


They died by god.

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You’re so naive. If we don’t work with Republicans then nothing will get passed!


Pure scum

Hire personal investigators to dig into the lives of these cops and their families and release everything that could be embarrassing or distressing. Uncover their affairs and petty crimes. Kink-shame them if you find information on them of prurient nature. Just destroy them personally.

So no testicles in vices?

So, they shot kids?

Can you imagine the audio on those personal cams?

“I ain’t goin’ in there. That kid’s got an AR-15. All I got is this Glock. It’s suicide!”
“But it’s our job”
“Gettin’ killed ain’t my jerb!”
“So we wait around and do nothing?”
“Wait for SWAT or someone else to resolve this. Just act busy. There’s some parents over there we can rough up”

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That could actually impact the gun control debate.

Lol jk we’d just give all cops two AR-15s.


Several trained “good guys” with guns. Could have stopped the whole thing outside the school.

Imagine thinking it’s not all coming out. I bet a Uvalde cop eats his own gun in the coming months.

Worst part is the investigation revealed the shooter came up to the cops saying that his gun was jammed and they said, “here let me get that for you” cleared the jam, patted him on the back, and opened the door for him

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