The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Please stop

Edit: is this a parody account?


You don’t think this decision could motive Democrats to vote in the midterms? I’m expecting it.

ETA: why the personal attack?

Democrats aren’t even articulating what they will do about this if given power! It’s not obvious and their track record is not good!


Well, they’ve gotta get to like 55-57 seats in the Senate to nuke the filibuster, so…

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It’s not a lie tho. It WAS settled law at the time. Now they’re in the position to change it, which they obviously did I mean come on

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Absolute best case scenario we hold the house, at which the Supreme Court continues to gut us and we continue to pass nothing, wow what a loss for gop if so.

Wasn’t sure if you were trolling with some of your comments in the thread as if the Dems were passing so many big bills that it’s hard to keep track of or something and then talking about trusting manchins instincts, if you’re serious I guess my bad

Looks like you’ve been on this forum for about 3 weeks. Welcome! How’d you find us?


If you are being a ruthless political operative, you should definitely say they lied.

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I wish prayer worked so I could pray this new poster died in a grease fire.


Seems overly pessimistic and confident. A lot can happen in four months.

I don’t think you know what the term Pyrrhic Victory means.

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If GOP loses tons of expected wins in November then the anticipated political gains from the decision would be dwarfed.

This was the political gain they’ve been fighting for for 50 years. What could they possibly lose to offset that? It’s like saying the Warriors title is a pyrrhic victory because it’ll be a lot harder for them to win again next year.


The conservative movement has been concerned with hundreds of issues, some even more ardently than abortion, and accomplishing this one task is not at all analogous to GS winning the title, because winning the title is the singular and only goal for a team. Also, a team winning a title one year makes it more likely they win the next year (or in future years) given the benefit of experience doing so. In the case of stoking discontent in the opposition through overturning Roe which will result in potential immediate and longstanding negative consequences politically for the GOP, there is simply no analog to a team winning a title in a sport.

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If there was any justice Manchin would die of some horrible painful flesh eating disease.

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This is Democrat brain worms. Political accomplishments is the goal, winning is the means to the end. What are the “longstanding negative consequences”? Democrats win a few extra house seats and do nothing with them? This is a 50 year battle that ended with a massive success, a title win is an appropriate comparison.

(A team winning the title makes their players more expensive and harder to retain. Who gives a fuck whether the analogy is perfect though.)

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Let’s say this is actually what turns the tides and inexplicably the Dems end up with 65% of both houses in a few months. Do we really think that ends in universal access to abortion, universal health care, voting rights reform, serious gun restrictions. Lol of course not.

The problem is the Dems are the real baddies paid to make sure left leaning people in this country can never, ever accomplish anything. They run out the clock on their periods of power. Which also depresses enthusiasm and support for the left and then we jolt another step right every few years when they lose(or even when they win in some cases).

In the unlikely event that electoral outcome happened MSNBC/CNN and all the Dem stooges would spend their days talking about all the reasons we actually cant do any of those things because of BUT HOW ARE WE GOING TO PAY FOR IT or SOCIALISM or whatever. There is literally almost no one in the Dem party who actually believes in or wants universal health care. Or any of the rest of it.


I feel that “justice” is more like death from a 1000 epipens injections or buried alive under a mountain of coal.


‘Scuze me? I grew up in small town America. Guns are a reasonable second, but b-a-b-i-e-s #1 with a bullet.