The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

They have the guns, we have the loud voices yearning to be heard, we’ll see how it turns out!

Can’t even articulate what he would do if we vote harder!

I got max Pell Grants in college and still managed to owe 50k at the end… and I can’t imagine it’s gotten better since 2010-2014.

4 words that mean absolutely nothing

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It’s a good thing they don’t vote.

I’m assuming nobody here benefited from this, but dozens of family, friends, and acquaintances personally received community college tuition reimbursement checks (thousands of dollars paid back per person) and free hearing aids and other medical devices which have drastically improved quality of life and wouldn’t have been accessible for many of them without this bill having passed.

$2.2 trillion in services for poor people is a hell of a lot better than a $2.2 trillion dollar tax cut for those making six figures or more.



Yep. Huge rollout over the last few months. Of course the lousy Democrats are doing a bang-up job selling it (as your incredulity and the thread’s I’m sure, makes clear). Media doesn’t care about trumpeting benefits received by the poor: corporate media never would and independent media hates Biden even more.

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BBB was never voted on in the Senate let alone enacted.

I’m pretty confident you don’t know anyone who benefited from the Build Back Better Act, unless you have friends and family in an alternate reality.


What if we use alternative facts?

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I’m sorry, I confused it with the $1.9 trillion dollar American Rescue Plan Act. These bills all run together and it’s hard to keep them straight actually working for a living.


You can do better.


Sorry Mr. Perfect

If Dems were actually as cut-throat as Republicans, they would use those lies as the basis for impeachment of those two justices.

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Manchin is posturing, but I trust his political instincts more than most. This decision could be a Pyrrhic victory for the GOP.