The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents


The link announces the Biden Admin reversed a Trump policy and banned US use and acquisition of landmines outside of Korea. The decision was made over the objections of the DoD.


Joe’s polling is more brutal with young people than I thought

I heard about this somewhere….

Are they really going to do this “gas tax holiday”? Eighteen cents off per gallon for a while, but probably not 18 cents because there aren’t guarantees that all of that will pass to the end consumer? And it seems to me like I can drive around Portland and see 10-15 cent differences in ppg at different stations, will people even notice?

No. It requires congressional approval and is awful policy. Lol Biden as always.

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Yeah a “summer gas tax holiday” that would expire in the weeks right before the election seems suboptimal.

What about rebate cards? Free gas for everyone like Saudi Arabia.

who are the 25% that approve???

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Joe Biden has been an especially horrible president. If I was polled i would be at strong dissaprove for over a year. It’s amazing he can poll over 30% nationally tbh.

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And before anyone comes back with “well he isn’t that bad”. Still caging kids at record numbers, louis dejoy and merrick garland. Not to mention overseeing the economic disaster, climate disaster, war in europe, the end of democracy and doing literally nothing about any of it. Plus he can’t talk or ride a bike.

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What are people going to point to as Biden’s accomplishments? I’m not sure I can point to a single thing that will resonate.

Ending the war, tbqh.


a totally ceremonial and toothless gun control bill that won’t even pass

Yeah this is literally his one accomplishment.

Hey he talked about student loan forgiveness. Don’t sell the man short.

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Some people are probably in their head comparing him to Trump before answering. Or maybe some moderate Republicans who don’t have Fox News brainworms, if there are any of those left, approve? I dunno.

Yeah he’s still trash and I told everyone that Louis DeJoy was still there because eDems liked the job he was doing and people gave me shit for that take. Well, Biden has his people in place and DeJoy is… still there!

He sped up the vaccine rollout, gave everyone $2,000 (if you round way up lol), restored bipartisanship in DC with the bipartisan infrastructure bill that rebuilt America and gave the business to American companies, ended the war in Afghanistan, and he’s on the verge of a bipartisan gun reform bill.

On the other hand…

Covid is still kicking our ass, the $1,400 was less than promised and either cause inflation or didn’t do enough to help the working class depending on point of view, the BIF was a corporate handout that’s useless for most of us, he can’t brag about Afghanistan cause he lost the messaging battle, and the gun reform bill is basically the Republican version with the smallest possible restriction on gun purchases they could come up with.

Literally has like one major accomplishment (ending the war) and he can’t even brag about it. Working very hard, thank you!

Like this is his response on the SC gun ruling?

And when Roe is overturned it’ll just be “vote.” Maybe that has something to do with his shitty approval ratings.